"Dad was a little worried about you..." Dalia said making Desiree frown.

The infant wriggled in irritation at the adults talking loudly around the table and Esme made a shushing sound.

Dalia reacted by dropping her voice down to a slightly more hushed tone and Desiree chuckled to herself because this was the most courtesy she'd seen shown from one sister to another today. 

"He told us how much you've been struggling lately," Esme gave Desiree a soft look which made her turn her gaze on the puddings instead, "I know you must miss having Mom around and its ok..."

"I'm fine, really!" Desiree defended and proceeded to tinker around the kitchen.

"But I hear that your portfolio for your College application turned out amazing! You're gonna get into that school for sure this time!" she winked encouragingly. 

Desiree blushed and sat down at a place to start eating along with the others.

Dalia scoffed.

"It's probably just some guy and we're all here throwing her a pity party about Mom!"

Desiree almost choked on lump of toast but swallowed it down with great difficulty to hide her reaction. 

Esme glowered darkly at her twin's insensitivity and poured Desiree a glass of water which she slid over the table to her. 

"You're a real animal, you know that?" 

"Takes one to know one..." Dalia shrugged. 

If a stranger was in the room they would think that the pair hated each other's guts. 

The sleep infant began to stir on Esme's shoulder and Dalia reached out to cradle her nephew, taking him from Esme's arms.

"Aunty Day-Day..." he muttered sweetly in a small voice while smuggling a tiny piece of sausage off her plate.

"I like your game, kid.." Dalia commented and all three sisters giggled together.

"Must be no fun stuck out here on your own with dizzy Dad, huh?" Esme chuckled, eyeing Desiree.

"I heard that!" their father cautioned as he strode into the room with a jolly smile on his face. 

"We knoooow!" the twins chorused.

"No seriously, its awesome that you guys are here.  Esme, where's Eric?" Desiree enquired about her brother-in-law. She was getting impatient for everyone to get to the breakfast table. All this food wasn't going to eat itself!

"Oh he must still be in bed. I'll get him in a minute.."

"What about Darren?" 

Attention turned to Dalia now and Desiree thought it quite a funny co-incidence that both her sisters had married men whose first names started with the same letter as their own. 

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