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Regina started to pack a bag to fulfill her newly formed plan. She did in fact love Emma, and of course she loved Henry but with her in their lives they would never be happy. And you only ever really want your loved ones to be happy. One of her biggest regrets in life was never being able to give Daniel his happiness.

She had enough magical items with her to cross the town line safely. She wrote a note for Henry & Emma right before she started to give the sheriff a call.

"Hello," Emma croaked on the other side of the phone.

"Miss Swan," Regina said already hearing her voice starting to crack, "How are you?"

"I'm fine... What's wrong Regina? You sound like you're about to cry?"

Regina gave a small shaky smile, "It's Henry. He needs you."

Regina could hear some type of scuffle in the background.

"What's wrong?! Is he ok? I'm on my way. Where are you?"

"Just get to my house as soon as possible," she said as her voice further cracked.

She hung up the phone and went upstairs where Henry had fallen asleep for the night. She smiled down upon him and brushed his hair off his face.

"No matter what you think. No matter what anyone says, I do love you," the mayor said as she kissed his forehead.

He shuffled around in his covers before once again resting peacefully.

Regina started to cry as she left the note on his nightstand. She picked up her luggage and casted an invisibility spell. She hid in the corner by the door and waited for Emma to arrive so that she could be sure Henry was in good hands.

Moments later Regina could hear Emma rush in downstairs.

"Regina?! Henry?!" The blonde yelled, "Regina?! Henry?!"

Henry started to rise & rub the sleep from his eyes, "Emma?"

"Henry!" The sheriff yelled as she ran up the stairs, "Henry," she sighed in relief as she hugged her son, "Henry you're ok."

"Yeahhh," he groaned sleepily, "Why wouldn't I be?" He asked slowly hugging her back.

"Your mom. She called saying you needed me," Emma informed.

That's my que to go, Regina thought to herself. With the wave of her hand she vanished to reappear at the town cemetery.

At her feet lay the headstone for Daniel Colter. In her hands she made a bouquet of flowers appear. She knelt down and placed them neatly in front of him.

Tears started to fall from her eyes soaking the ground. Slowly at first but soon her cries grew to low sobs.

"Daniel I've messed up again. But this time I won't let her die, not the way I let you die. I'm so sorry Daniel, I never meant for this to happen. For any of this to happen. I fear that I may have ruined my happiness the same way I ruined yours. I'm only hoping I can rectify all of this by leaving town. I just couldn't leave without saying goodbye," she cried out as she rose to her feet, "Goodbye Daniel. I love you..."

With another wave of her hand she was at the town line with her car and her luggage. As she sat in the drivers seat she took a deep breath and started the car. Right as she was about to step on the gas she heard a loud screech of tires as the Sheriff's car stopped in front of her own. She watched as the blonde got out of her car.

"Emma, what are you doing here?"


"Emma what's wrong?" Henry asked groggily.

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