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"I've got terrible news Sheriff," Regina said as she dramatically threw her jacket on the table.

"Uhhh, what's wrong?" Emma asked approaching her.

"The ex newspaper editor wants to run for Sheriff and legally we have to let it happen," she said rubbing her temples.

"Ok what's the problem? I'll run against them and win. Don't stress too much," Emma said getting up to comfort the brunette, "You look awful."

Regina rolled her eyes, "Thanks for that."

Emma laughed, "I didn't mean it like that."

"Mhm," Regina hummed as she grabbed her things to get ready to leave.

"Wha- Seriously Regina," Emma said as she raised her hands and let them fall to slap her sides in defeat.

"It's Mayor Mills Sheriff Swan," Regina said spinning to face the blonde, "And I'm sorry I'm trying to take this threat on your job seriously.

"Regina come on," Emma huffed.

"No, no, no. Don't come on me. If you lose this job you'll have to leave Storybrooke and Henry will think I had something to do with it. Henry is my only reason for living and I can't live with him hating me. I'm doing this for him," the mayor snapped back.

She was lying of course, she wanted to keep Emma close so she could get rid of her for good. Or did she...

"I guess I didn't think of it like that. I'm sorry Madam Mayor, I really I am. How about we both just calm down and think of how I can keep my job," Emma said extending her hand out to the mayor.

Regina gave a small smirk and took it.

Emma lead her to the Sheriff's desk where Regina went full on manager mode.

"I can help with campaigning. And we can hold a debate, show the town all the good you've done since you got the job," Mayor Mills informed.

"I like it. I'll start building my platform as soon as possible," Emma said sitting in her chair.

"Maybe I could help," Regina said sitting in a seat across from her, "You could come over after work if you want?"

"I um-" the huffed out trying to figure out how to approach the situation delicately, "I think we might need to talk about the time we spend together. I am so thankful for all you've done for me and our dates have been fun but I don't want to rush into anything. We did only meet like a month and a half ago when my son your son came to me and brought me here. Would you mind if we took our time?"

"Of course Miss Swan," Regina said fixing her posture, "But when I offered for you to come over it was for strictly professional purposes," she laughed trying to play off a lie.

Regina had planned to seduce the Savior a little but either way she'd be gaining more and more of her trust.

Emma smirked, "Of course. Professional. Then I will happily meet you at your not so humble abode after work."

Regina stood up and gathered her things, "Can't wait."

She strutted out of the Sheriff's office sultrily causing the blonde to bite get lip ever so lightly. The mayor turned just in time to see this flirty behavior and waved before finally exiting.


"I'm confused," Sydney started, "You want me to run but you're gonna help Emma campaign?"

"Yes Sydney. What is so hard to understand?" Regina said pacing back and forth.

"But why?" The editor asked truly oblivious to this unnecessary plot of events.

"To gain her trust. I need 100% of it in order for all of this to work," she stopped to explain.

"Aren't you two dating? What more trust do you need?" He said eyeing the mayor suspiciously.

"Who said we were dating?" She questioned with a slight blush rushing to her cheeks.

"Mayor Mills I am the town newspaper editor. I know all the gossip that flies around Storybrooke and I have all the photos to back them up to," he said quickly flashing photos of the blonde & brunette duo.

Regina's eyes narrowed, "I hired you to stalk others not me," she exclaimed as she snatched the photos from Sydney.

She flipped through the photos and smiled, "We are cute together aren't we," she said to herself.

She shook her head and tore the photos in half, no I'm trying to get rid of her not find a reason to keep her around, she thought to herself.

"Ever heard of keep your friends close and your enemies closer Sydney," Regina asked.

"Even this is a little too close Regina, and I get up close & personal to many people for a living," he said eyeing the mayor.

"I don't need to explain my tactics to you," she scoffed, "Just do as I say and we'll both be happy."

"You know I'd do anything for you Regina," he stated.

She smirked devilishly, "I know and I am oh so thankful Mr. Glass," she said as she scrunched her nose and took his chin in her hand and shook his head ever so slightly.

His eyes glazed over as she walked away. He was completely infatuated with this woman who would never return his feelings, yet he always did what she asked because she was the apple of his eye...

A/N: Is it just me or is the relationship between Regina and Sydney like super sad. Like he truly loves that women does everything she asks and she just uses him. Like in the show I always felt so bad for him😬

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