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"Congratulations Miss Swan, you are officially Sheriff," Regina said placing a cake on her table.

She had invited Emma over to celebrate her win in the polls. As she had planned Emma won by a landslide. Of course she was happy her plan was falling into motion but a part of her was glad to see the blonde so happy about the victory.

"It only took 2 months," she laughed, "But thank you Madame Mayor," she said as she nudged Henry to her right, "Isn't this great Henry. I get to stay."

Henry smiled weakly, "Yeah mom."

"Oh come on, what's wrong kid? This is great. We should be celebrating," Emma pointed out.

"I just- nevermind. Congratulations mom," Henry said eating some cake.

Emma sighed as she watched her son eat sadly. He had been unusually depressed for a little while. She waved Regina over from her side of the table. The brunette walked over cautiously.

"What are you thinking?" Regina asked wearily.

"Maybe we should tell him?" She whispered in the mayor's ear.

Regina cocked her head questionably, "Tell him what?"

"About us," she said matter of factly.

"Are you-" she started to yell before she corrected herself, "Are you crazy?!" she whisper yelled.

Emma shrugged and made her eyes big, "Maybe if he knows he might loosen up and realize you don't have it out for me."

"We've been seeing eachother two months Emma. I hardly think that's enough to go and tell Henry about," she whispered back.

"Ok arguably it's been like 3 and a half, almost 4. If you count the first 2 dates when I first arrived in town," she responded.

Regina laughed and rolled her eyes, "Those don't count. You even said so yourself, those were more of just entertainment."

"Regina come on," she whined.

"You know, even though you're whispering you're still quite audible," Henry informed, "Like it's not intelligible but still. The sound is just annoying."

"Sorry Henry," Regina said smoothing out her clothes, "Would you like another slice of cake?"

"No thank you," he said pushing his plate aside.

Regina was truly astonished, "But it's your favorite."

He shrugged as he got up, "Can I be excused?"

Emma and Regina exchanged looks before allowing Henry to leave. He began to sulk away while Emma looked at Regina knowingly. Regina sighed, maybe news of their (whatever they were) would pull Henry out of his funk. Even if it meant he were to be against her again.

"Henry wait!" Regina blurted out.

"Mom I just really want to go to my room," Henry sighed out.

"I know and you can but first Emma and I have some news to share with you," Regina said clearing her throat.

Henry turned to face his mothers. He eyed them suspiciously, "Yes?"

"Henry your mother and I have been uh seeing eachother since the uh campaign began," Emma said getting to the point, "Wow this is a lot harder than I thought it would be."

"Wait are you serious?" He questioned as he stood in the hallway.

Regina nodded as Emma started to interlock their hands, "Emma is quite attractive and I have grown a strong liking towards her," the mayor tried explaining.

And she wasn't necessarily lying as she did find the Savior attractive and she did like her but overall she was in this for her end goal. To get rid of the blonde forever...

Emma gave Regina an odd look, "That's one way to put it yes. I like Regina as well. She's the first person I've begun to trust for a long time, after you of course Henry."

Trust, the thing Regina was after all this time. She had a bit of it and just needed to keep going until she had all of it. She squeezed the blondes hand in reassurance, "and the same goes for me."

Henry eyed the two and a smile quickly formed on his face, "This is brilliant!"

He ran over to the two women and hugged them tightly, "I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner."

Regina and Emma exchanged glances.

"Don't get me wrong Henry I'm glad you're happy and finally no longer hating me but what didn't you think of?" Regina said hugging Henry back.

"If you find true love than you won't be evil anymore! You can be good! And mom, if you just said that you like-well uh- my mom in front of her. That means she believes you, and Emma knows when people are lying. So if she believes you I believe you. Mom you're gonna be a good guy!" He cheered.

Emma just laughed at Henry's scenario but Regina just gave a small smile. Emma was always able to tell when she was lying but if she couldn't see it then was it really a lie? Regina shook the thoughts away. She had one goal and one goal only coming from this "relationship" and it was to rid the realm of Emma Swan.

To The Man Who Let Her GoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon