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Regina was going over paperwork at the table as she and Henry ate dinner. The young boy looked up at his mother and in that moment Regina looked up at him too. He gave a small awkward smile that the mayor couldn't help but smile back at.

"What?" She asked.

Henry shrugged, "I just realized I want you to be happy. Genuinely happy."

"Awww Henry. I am happy," she assured.

"Not as happy as you were when Emma was in our lives," he pointed out.

Regina put down her paperwork and gave her full attention to Henry, "What makes you say that?"

"I'm not stupid mom. I'm 11 years old and I could tell you, and I, were happier when Emma was here on a daily basis," he answered.

"Even if that were the case Henry there's forces controlling this family's circumstances that are beyond our control now," she responded.

He ignored his mothers words and headed straight to the point, "Did you break up with Emma?"

Regina sighed, "Henry..."

"Did you get in a fight?"

"Henry I-" she started.

"Whatever it was I'm sure you can fix it with her."

"Henry it's not that simple," she tried explaining.

"Mom I just want us to be happy. I want you to be happy, please don't go back to being the evil queen. I know there's good inside you because the woman who raised me, and kissed all my scraps, and went out of her way to get my favorite cake for my 5th birthday is a good woman. Leave the evil queen behind you," he pleaded, "Let Emma help you get rid of her."

Regina pondered on his words for a little bit but quickly reverted her attention back to her son, "Henry you must let go of this fairytale fantasy before any of that can even be a topic on my mind," she said as she went back to her paperwork.

Henry sighed and went back to his food. Moments later they both heard a knock from the door.

"We weren't expecting anyone were we?" She asked her son as she got up to answer the door.

"I'm done with my food. I'm gonna go to my room now," he said as he quickly cleared the table.

"Henry?" Regina said suspiciously, "What's going on?"

She watched as her son tried to run upstairs discreetly.

"I just want you to be happy mom," he called out as he continued running to his room.

Regina rolled her eyes, now knowing who was on her stoop, "Yes Miss Swan."

Emma let herself in and grabbed the mayor's hand as she closed the front door. She led them to the livingroom without saying a word.

"What are you doing Sheriff?"

"No, don't Sheriff me. You've been evading me for 3 weeks Gina. I want to know why," Emma said looking a little heated, "We were having such a good time together the months prior. Why are you stepping back from us now? What did I do wrong?" She asked with her voice cracking slightly.

Regina felt the instinct to make the blonde feel better and even started to reach out to her.

"Em I-" she started as she her voice lowered into a comforting tone and her free hand went to hold Emma's last free hand.

She quickly corrected her language, "Miss Swan-"

At that Emma's hands recoiled back to herself, "See why the Miss Swan. You said that was for professional reasons and right now neither of us are working. So why? Did we break up or something and I missed it?"

"I mean were we ever really together?" Regina asked.

Emma gasped, "We sat here and told Henry we were together. What are you talking about?"

Regina's stomach churned. She hated what she was doing but she had to protect Emma now. She couldn't let the curse she started be fulfilled.

"No we sat here and told him we were seeing eachother. We never actually established that we were an item," she forced out.

"Regina honestly what the fuck? You know I can tell when you're lying right?" Sheriff Swan scoffed, "What is this about?"

"Emma you have to believe me this is for the best," Regina assured.

"Finally some truth!" Emma said with the roll of her eyes, "But now the question is why? Why is it for the best?"

"Emma, it's-"

"Regina I-" Emma interrupted, "I think I love you Regina and you have no idea how hard it is for me to admit that because I haven't said that to someone in a REALLY long time. Regina just tell me... Please."

Regina looked into those dazzling green eyes she to had grown to love, "I-I-I can't."

"Can't or won't," the blonde pouted.

Regina mustered up all the deceit she had left in her body. She was going against everything good in her before she decided to do what she was going to.

"Miss Swan!" She said sternly as if berating a child, "I wanted to let you down gently but it seems you have forced my hand. I've met someone else."

Emma could sense both a lie and a truth but she couldn't tell what, "Who?"

"His name is Robin," she informed, "I met him at Henry's school. He's a single parent, like me, and he's got a son."

That was the truth so the rest must've been too...

Emma collected herself calmly, "Ok then. I guess I have my answer then. I hope hope you and Robin are happy together."

She gathered her things and walked to the door but not before turning to the banister upstairs, "Thanks for trying kid. I love you."

Regina turned to the banister and for the first time since Emma arrived she noticed her son watching them from atop the stairs.

"I love you too mom. I'm sorry I couldn't fix Operation Swan Queen," he said before he raced to his room.

Emma gave a small smile his way before glancing at Regina again, "And thank you for showing me never to trust another soul the way I was beginning to trust you."

It felt like a punch to the gut, but it was necessary to stop the curse.

"Goodbye Miss Swan," Regina managed to say through the flood of emotions running through her.

"Mayor Milla," Emma said with a head nod and a stone cold expression.

Regina gave a small gasp at the name change. She deserved it but Emma had never called her by her last name since she stepped foot in Storybrooke. Not even when she instructed her to. She watched her go safely to her car before she shut the door on the woman she loved and a tear ran down her face. Disappointment after disappointment was happening in her home and she couldn't bare to do it again.

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