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"Sheriff I have your first big case," Regina said over the phone as she rustled through some papers.

"Regina I think you can call me Emma, even during work hours. Everyone knows we're-" Emma started.

"I will be doing no such thing Miss Swan. I can't have the whole town thinking you get special treatment just because of the extent of our relationship," Regina explained, "Why can't I find his freaking file," she said to herself.

Emma smirked, "But if I needed this special treatment I'd get it wouldn't I?" she joked.

"Without hesitation," Regina said without much hesitation herself (or thought for that matter), "I mean uh-"

"Ah, I got my answer. Can't take it back now," Emma laughed, "What do you got for me?"

Regina groaned, she had not meant to say those words to Emma. That would mean she cared about the blonde, but she didn't. Did she?

"Sheriff our John Doe has gone missing," she said quickly to fill the awkward silence that was arising, "The one from the hospital."

"Oh shit that is big," Emma said getting serious, "Do you know who was the last to see him?"

"Your roommate," the mayor answered matter of factly, "I'm sending you everything I have on him. Once I find that damn file."

"You should really get yourself an assistant," Emma chimed.

"I think not. I don't need anyone thinking that I need them in order to get by effectively," Regina responded as she continued to rummage through her things.

"I'll fax it over as soon as I find it. In the mean time, question Ms. Blanchard will you? She was the last volunteer to see him before he vanished. And to make matters worse when she turned off the lights, as she, left the breakers short circuited, so we have no security footage. So for all intents and purposes Miss Blanchard is your first suspect," Regina informed.

"What? You don't really think Mary Margaret could do something like that? She wouldn't hurt a fly, believe me I know, I live with her," Emma responded

"This is where professionalism must take place Miss Swan. We cannot let personal bias distract us from the facts. Ms. Blanchard was the last to see our John Doe and security footage conveniently is unable after her visit. Trust the facts Sheriffs," Regina warned before she hung up.

Emma put her phone away and gathered her things. She was sure Mary Margaret had nothing to do with the John Doe's disappearance but Regina was right she needed to approach this professionally. Maybe she could go about it in a friendly manner as well. She was about to meet Mary Margaret for lunch anyway, she'd do it there.


"Emma, over here," Mary Margaret said waving the blonde over.

Emma smiled and walked over, "You ordered for me already. Thanks, I love Granny's grilled cheeses."

"I know. That's why I ordered it," She joked.

"Hey can we talk about something serious for a bit?" Emma asked.

Mary Margaret shrugged and took a sip of her drink, "Yeah sure."

"You volunteer at the hospital right?"

"Every day. Sometimes I bring my class," she informed.

Emma nodded in acknowledgement, "Were you there last night?"

She nodded.

To The Man Who Let Her GoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang