Chapter 39- Don't Come

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"Remember what I taught you. Stick together."

"Right." The two of you spoke at the same time.


You ran with Shinso in the direction of explosion sounds, hoping that you would run into Katsuki at some point. You just needed to know he was okay. Your heart was pounding, your nerves completely shot. You felt like you couldn't you were going to collapse. 

"Ohhhh (y/n)! Hey, there sweetheart! Missed me?" A voice you haven't heard in a few weeks immediately radiated through your ears, grasping your attention with a tight grasp. You and Shinso looked towards a grinning man with spiked teeth, his hair similarly styled in a mohawk.

"Rega...Shinso this is the asshat that can manipulate emotions, be careful with him." Shinso grinned with a looming shadow over his usually expressionless features.

"He looks like a bitch," Shinso commented in a mocking tone. Rega's eyebrows immediately furrowed, glaring at the purple-haired boy.

"And you're the dickhead that shit talked my sis-" Rega's eyes went white, his mouth gaping as if his muscles suddenly slacked.  You turned towards Shinso with a beaming smile on your face, your lips curled revealing pearly perfection.

"Did you just catch him?!" You gasped excitedly with pride mixed in. The boy merely nodded, him feeling that same pride warm his center. He actually caught a villain...on his first try too.

"Now's my opportunity to pay this dick back for all of the torture he put me through." You threatened with scarlet red eyes that matched the blazing rage within your heart. Rega has been manipulating you as often as he could, for his own enjoyment. 

You ran forward, spinning in the air with a swift kick to his jaw, his body immediately flinging to the ground like a ragdoll. He sputtered out a cough, wiping away the blood from his face but it was the only thing he could accomplish before you were on him again. You kicked him in the gut, causing him to vomit up whatever dinner he had that night onto the dry dirt floor of the forest. Rega was wheezing, a man built upon a weak frame that talked louder than he could accomplish.

"I didn't expect you to be so weak for someone who acts so bold." You growled in disgust. Rega's mouth was covered in blood near his teeth and gums, the scarlet red dripping down the side of his cheeks. Since he was released from Shinso's psychosis, his quirk was set upon you again. This time an electric shock of terror zapped your heart with the power of a lightning bolt. You collapsed onto the ground, screaming in agony with your voice echoing throughout the forest. Aizawa and Dabi both turned towards your piercing cries of pain, your throat burning from the screams. 

"A few more seconds of this and your heart will give out. This is for Toru." Rega wiped his mouth, blood staining his hands as it dribbled out the sides. You couldn't control your body, every muscle in your body contorting and twitching, sweat and blood beginning to pool inside your pores. Each scream seemed endless in succession with one starting where the previous one ended.

Everyone could hear you, even over their own fights. Katsuki and Shoto both stopped mid-stride, their hearts dropping into the pit of their stomachs.

Was that (y/n)?!

"Rega's having too much fun." Dabi sighed as he began to make his way over to you, Aizawa conflicted due to his position defending the cabin of students. 

Vlad's inside...I have to get to her.

Despite being the person hired to protect class 1-A, your fellow students heard your cries of absolute terror and agony and thought only of running your way. Your cries suddenly stopped, mid-scream, leaving the select people heading your direction to freeze in their steps.

Protecting You (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz