Hogwarts Election Campaign

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Hi Everyone! So, we are going to have a Head Boy/Girl election campaign here at Hogwarts. But, what's so special about being Head Girl or Boy? Well, read on and you will find out!

The Luxuries of being Head Girl or Boy:

1) You will be able to boss around your fellow students

2) Being Head Girl or Head Boy means that you will be Vice Captain of the Competition

3) You will be able to find out what the next writing competition is about THREE days BEFORE it is released, which will give you an advantage over your fellow students

4) You will get to pick many of the future competitions

5) You will receive FIFTY house points

6) You will get lots of votes for your story/ stories

7) You will also receive a “Head Girl/Boy" badge

What qualities make a good Head Girl or Boy?

Someone who...

1) Is kind towards his/her fellow school mates

2) Regularly takes part in the school activities

3) Is enthusiastic, and keen to take on the role

But how do I put my name forward?

If you are interested in becoming Head Girl or Boy, please comment ~here~. Please mention why you want to become the Head Girl or Boy and why you think you would be a good one.

How do I vote?

Each person in the competition will be issued out with a voting slip. Once you receive it, please put down the ONE person you think would be a good Head Girl/ Boy. (You are NOT allowed to vote for yourself or anyone in your house.) The voting system is secretive so only I will know who you voted for.

The voting slips will be issued out on the sixteenth of November (tomorrow). You will then have till the 21st of November 2014 to cast your vote. Choose wisely!

Yours sincerely,

Hermione Jean Weasley, Headmistress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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