Third Writing Competition

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Hey Everyone! Did you know that it's only 39 days till Christmas! I know, I can't believe it either! Time really does fly! Well, anyway, what are you going to have to write about now, you might be asking? Well, read on and you will find out!

Competition Three: (chosen by @iambloodyinspired.) This week, your task is to write a romance themed short story/play. There is no word limit, it can be as short or as long as you like! It can be about your character, but it doesn't have to be, as long as it is Frozen, Harry Potter or Disney themed.

Some ideas you could do is to have a love triangle, a Romeo and Juliet style forbidden love, a Titanic style romantic tragedy or anything else that you think would entertain the reader! Please, please, please try and make your story as creative and imaginative as you possibly can!


1) You are allowed to have lots of scenes or chapters, BUT It must all be in one part.

2) All entries must be received by the twenty second of November 2014.

3) It must be written as a NEW part in your “Frozen, Disney and Harry Potter Writing Competition" book

You will be judged on your:

Creativity and Originality (worth fifteen marks)

Front Cover and Title (worth five marks)

Writing Style and technique (worth ten marks)

You will then either receive an “O" (outstanding), an “E" (exceeds expectations) or an “A" (acceptable).

Then, if I enjoyed your story the most you will receive:

1) Forty house points

2) A shout out from my profile

3) Votes for your story/ stories


4) You will also get to pick a future competition

Well, what are you waiting for? Ready, Steady and Write!!

Yours sincerely,

Hermione Jean Weasley, Headmistress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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