Second Competition!

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Hello Students! I hope you enjoyed our first competition, and are now ready to begin our next one! So, what will you have to write about now, you may be asking? Well, read on, and you will find out...

Challenge: (Picked by QuillsonParchment) Your challenge is to write an AU (Alternate Universe) drabble about either something in Harry Potter, a Disney movie or Frozen. For instance, you could write your short story in an alternate universe, where, for instance, Lord Voldemort is the Hero of the story and where Harry, Ron, Hermione, etc are the Villains! Or, if your story is "Frozen" themed, it could be about Elsa as a Summer Queen rather than a Snow Queen. It's really up to you! Try and be as creative and as imaginative as you possibly can! You could even combine Frozen, Harry Potter and Disney together for bonus House Points! :)

Rule book:

1) The story MUST be in one part

2) The story must be no more than 1000 words.

How to send the story: Start a new publication entitled "Frozen, Disney and Harry Potter Writing Competition ." (If you competed in the last competition, just write it in as a new chapter.) Write your story as ONE part in there, and remember to give it a title and front cover. Once you finish your story, publish it, then PM or message me about it.

The competition will be judged by me, and will run from Sunday the 19th of October (today) until 12pm (British time) on Thursday the 23rd of October. Late entries will not be accepted.

How the stories will be judged:

I will judge you on your:

Creativity and originality (worth fifteen marks)

Writing Style and Technique (worth ten marks)

Front cover and title (worth five marks)

Then, according to your result, you will either receive an:

O- Outstanding- If you scored 25 out of 30 or higher (you will receive fifteen house points)

E- Exceeds Expectations- If you scored 20 or higher (you will receive ten house points)

Acceptable- If you scored 19 or below (you will receive five house points)

And, if I enjoyed your story the most you will receive:

1) Forty house points

2) Votes for your story/stories

3) A shout out from my profile

4) You will also get to pick the next competition

Well, what are you waiting for? Ready, Steady, Write!!

Yours sincerely,

Hermione Weasley, Headmistress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

PS. If you have any queries then please do not hesitate to PM me or send me a message via my message board.

PPS. Thank you to all of you for being part of this competition, and for your dedication and support. I couldn't do this without you! :D

CLOSED Frozen, Disney and Harry Potter Writing CompetitionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz