Chapter Eleven

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 Katie laid upside down off of Matt's bed and let her feet rest on the edge of it. Matt sat on his bed, leaning against his wall and threw a mini-football in the air.

Spending all day with each other made their friendship grow closer, though it made it that much harder to deny their feelings towards each other. Even if they were out in the open for each other to know, they couldn't act on them, even if they wanted to.

"What's the lowest grade you've ever got?" Matt asked as the football came back into his hands, and was launched backup inches from the ceiling.

"Thirty-two," Katie answered.

"What!" Matt laughed. "How did you possibly get a Thirty-two? You're like the smartest girl I know."

"It was AP American history, and it's when I was a sophomore." Katie laughed.

"Isn't that a college class?" Matt asked.

"Ya." Katie shrugged.

"You're insane."

"What was yours?" Kaite asked as she twiddled with her feet in the air.

"A zero." Matt burst out laughing. "I was caught cheating on a Spanish exam."

"Oh my god!" Katie burst out. "And I thought mine was bad!"

"Ah, shut up!" Matt laughed. "So what's the stupidest thing you've ever done?"

"Oh God, there are so many." Katie hummed to herself and then sighed. "Promise not to judge me?"

"I promise." Matt nodded.

"Well," Katie began. "I was home alone one weekend and had a guy I hardly knew sleepover, we just ended up talking all night and kissed like once, then we fell asleep in my bed together. But the next day he told the whole school we fucked."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Matt told her.

"Don't be. It was my freshman year, I was dumb and nieve to trust boys like that."

"Just saying, I am home alone right now and I have a girl over and we are talking, you better not go telling the whole school we fucked." Matt laughed, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Oh ya, because that's something I would do." Katie laughed sarcastically.

"Are you saying you wouldn't spread rumors about me, or you wouldn't fuck me?" Matt asked defensively.

"Oh, I definitely wouldn't fuck you, ever!" Katie laughed mockingly.

"Hey!" Matt rolled his eyes and threw his football at her. Katie dramatically let her feet fall and acted hurt by grabbing her chest and groaning. "You're an ass!"

Katie peeked her head up and then joined Matt on the bed. "What about you?"

"Oh no, I would not ever want to fuck someone as impulsive as you."

Katie just rolled her eyes and threw up her middle finger. "I mean, what's the stupidest thing you've ever done?"

"Oh." Matt blushed while rubbing the back of his neck. "Well disobeying my father always got me a beating so I'd sum it up to that." The shock on Katie's face made Matt smile. "I'm kidding, my dad never hit me." He lied. "But I did sneak out of my house once to meet a girl who my parents told me to stay away from. When I came home, I thought my dad was going to kill me. or maybe the time I screamed at my dad for, um, well-doing something to Ryan. He sure did teach me how to keep my mouth shut. Or when I disobeyed his orders when he was teaching me how to hunt. Or when I told him I didn't want to go into the family business. Or when, um." he looked at Katie's wide eyes and dropped jaws. "I did something awful at the last place I lived." He bit his lip at the memories as his mood turned from light to dark within a second. He might not know the exact stupidest thing he's done, but that was definitely up in his top ten. "Look, I'm not proud of my past, and I've done some stupid things, but that's in the past now, and I'm trying to be better."

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