Chapter One

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Matthew Lea Arrendale walked down the unfamiliar streets of Philadelphia. It was his first time out if the UK and Matthew hated it. Though he couldn't complain too much, considering it was his fault his family had to move away from London and over to the U.S.

Matthew and his family were 'special'. They were vampires, but not the kind you think of. Garlic isn't poison, a stake to the heart won't kill them, and as long as they wear there vamp necklaces, the sun won't hurt them. And they definitely don't go around sucking people's blood from their necks, although that shouldn't speak for all vampires. Most are blood thirsty hunters who eat what, and whoever they want. Matthew tries to restrain himself, but he can't pretend like he wouldn't love to rip a human's neck open and drain it out.

Matthew and his family are apart of a long blood line of vampires and they grew up learning how to hunt and fight like warriors. Their parents were always strict with them but not always around much. The responsibility of raising and taking care of Matthew and his little brother Ryan fell on his older sister's shoulders.

Mya never liked the vampire life and never wanted it for her brothers. When she turned 18, she ascended and became a full on Vampire. The things her family wanted her to do was horrible. And the urge she had to kill has too strong. She decided she didn't want that life for herself, nor her little brothers. So they ran away, and they've been running for five years now.

For the past five years they have been living on their own, and thanks to Matthew getting in trouble everywhere they go, and causing attention towards themselves, they move around quite a lot so their family can't track them down.


Matthew walked through a small alleyway, trying to get back to his apartment quicker. He tried to rush past a group of guys about his age who were vaping in the alley.

He kept his hood up, head down, and hands in his pockets. Though avoiding them seemed impossible. One of the biggest boys caught notice of Matt and decided to give him a little trouble. "Hey pretty boy!" He called but Matt just kept walking. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" He said as he quickly approached Matt who was walking faster now. He grabbed his hoodie and pushed him up against the brick wall.

The boy was taller than Matt, and he had a whole gang behind him, but Matt wasn't worried about getting hurt, instead he was worried about hurting them.

The boy pulled down Matt's hood and ran his fingers through Matt's brown hair. "Pretty boy, must have some pretty money." He said with his gang laughing behind him. "Let me see it!" He said as he pulled Matt's body off the wall by his hoodie and pushed him to the ground.

Matt let out a small grunt of pain but he still wasn't intimidated by this guy. Matt looked him in his straight dark brown eyes that seemed black in the alley. "Walk away now, and no one has to get hurt." He warned in his british accent.

Not to Matt's surprise the gang burst out laughing. "The lad's British mate!" One of the smaller guys called out in a terrible British accent.

"Tip tip cheerio mate!" The boy pinning him to the wall, mocking Matt in an accent that sounded more Australian than anything. "Ya want some tea and crumpets?" He mocked some more.

Matthew was having enough of this and needed to get home. "Last chance before things get ugly." He warned in a deep and treating voice.

"Things got ugly when you left France." The larger boy smirked.

Matthew immediately pushed the boy off him and sent him flying into the opposite wall with one hard shoved. "I'm from London you twat!" He said then proceeded to walk away. One of the other boys grabbed his shoulder, turned him away and punched him straight in the eye. Matt barely stumbled and he punched the guy back and then kicked him in the gut, sending him to the ground.

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