Chapter Two

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Both boys headed up to their apartment, Matt sighed as he knocked on the locked door. The door swung open and Matt and Ryan we're immediately pulled inside by their older sister. "Where the bloody hell have you two been?" She yelled.

"We were just, out. We went for a little drive." Matt said defensively.

"What the hell happened to your face?" She asked Matt as she touched his eye.

"Ow ow! Nothing. He swatted her hand away.

Mya gave Matt a death glare and then go grabbed Ryan's chin and yanked it up, moving his head around, looking for any scratches or bruises. "I'm fine Mya. Really, we just went for a drive." Ryan assured her.

Mya knew that was a bunch of bull, and it was most definitely Matthew's fault. "Ryan, go up to your room and get some sleep. You have your first day of school in the morning and I don't want you being tired." It wasn't a secret that Mya babied Ryan. So both Matt and him rolled their eyes as Ryan headed down the hall, and to his room. He would have protested that he didn't want to be treated like a little kid, though Ryan really did not want to be in her line of fire when she went off.

Matthew would have protested that she was going easier on him, though it's not like he wanted to be sent up to bed like a little kid either.

When Ryan was gone, she turned back to Matt. "Sit." She said sharply and pointed to a chair.

Matt just groaned and sat himself down. "I wasn't hunting. I didn't have even a drop of blood. I swear!"

"I don't believe you." She said as she got her medical bag. "You snuck out, took your brother, and came home at midnight with a black eye. No way you were just out for a drive."

Because none of them drink human blood, it's very easy for them to get sick, so Mya has to constantly check their vitals and make sure they're healthy. If they get too much blood, or not enough, their bodies will start to react negatively. If they had any human blood, they would go off the rails and do who knows what. It's almost like being drunk, only with a lot worse consequences.

Matt knew the drill, and took his flannel off and threw it on the ground. Mya grabbed his wrist and began taking his pulse. "Mya, it's late, can't I just go to bed?" Matt whined.

"No." She said instantly, then she grabbed a thermometer out of her bag. "Open." Matt rolled his eyes and popped the thermometer into his mouth. Even though it was true that he went on a hunt, he didn't have any blood, so his vitals should be fine. "What were you thinking?" Mya began to lecture. "Leaving without my permission, taking you brother. If I find out you went to a hunt, you are dead Matthew Lee!"

Matt just rolled his eyes and the thermometer beeped. Mya ripped it out of his mouth before Matt even got the chance to. It read '97.2 degrees Fahrenheit' she looked at him suspiciously, she was not expecting to get normal results. "Am I good?" Matt asked as he rolled his eyes, clearly knowing the results were going to be fine.

"Not so fast. We're not done." She told him.

"Uhhhh!" Matt groaned loudly as he rolled his eyes once more. Mya grabbed a blood pressure pump and wrapped it around his arm. "Why are you doing this? You never do full vitals."

"And you never take your brother on a hunt." Mya said.

"This isn't about checking anything! You know I'm clear. This is about punishing me, isn't it?" Matt accused as he ripped the pump off of his arm and hopped off the kitchen stool. He started to store to his room, knowing that wouldn't go so well with his big sister.

"Matthew Lee, get your ass back here right now!" Mya said in a warning voice.

Matt ignored her, and slammed his bedroom door shut. Unfortunately the door didn't have a lock on it, so he tried to push a chair up against it. He jumped onto his bed and pulled out his phone. Then he heard the doorknob wiggle. "Matthew you are so dead!" Mya yelled, then kicked the door open. Matt jumped backwards, not expecting her to be this mad. Her eyes turned a light shade of red, that scared the shit out of Matt. She charged for him, but Matt bulted out of the room as fast as he could. Mya chased the teenage boy into the living room, as he jumped up onto the couch. "Matt, this is ridiculous! Come down here this instant!"

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