Part 11

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Sophia's Point of View

By the time I got to the clubhouse later on that evening, the party was already in full swing. There was no room to park inside so I parked on the street and sat there for a moment. I had managed to have a little nap earlier, but I spent most of my time laying in Angel's bed wide awake and thinking about EZ and Angel. I wasn't any less confused than I was when EZ took me home. I really liked EZ and he made me feel things I didn't know I could feel, and then there was Angel. His behavior earlier threw me for a loop. The way he held me, looked at me, talked to me, and tried to calm me down. He had always been protective of me and cared for me, but there was something about earlier that was just different.

I sighed heavily as I looked in the rear view mirror, quickly examining my appearance. I had settled on a pair of white cut-off shorts, dark blue spaghetti strap tank top, and a pair of black converse. I had pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, put on some mascara, and dabbed on some lip gloss before I left the apartment.

I hopped out of the Jeep with my bag and made my way into the scrap yard where the music was pumping. There was a fight happening in the cage and there were people everywhere. I used to love coming to these parties, but now all I felt was anxiety. I eyed the picnic table over by EZ's trailer and as luck would have it, it was empty and slightly less crowded than the rest of the place. I quickly made a beeline for the table and sat down on the top, setting my bag down beside me.

"There you are!" I heard Laura call as she made her way across the lot towards me with two beers in her hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, happy to see her.

"Angel invited me and I politely declined," she answered with a smile while handing me a beer and sitting down beside me, "And then I guess Coco stole the phone from Angel and refused to take no for an answer. After copious amounts of begging from two grown men, I thought it would be fun...and I wanted to see you."

"Well I'm glad you came," I replied with a laugh, "That Coco, he has a bit of a crush on you, Laura."

"He would taint my good girl persona," Laura replied with a flourish, trying to keep a straight face.

"Please! Good girl persona?" I spat, "You may save people for a living, but I know there is a bad girl somewhere inside of you."

Laura batted her bright blue eyes at me before taking a sip of her beer.

"You mean to tell me that Coco doesn't have an effect on you?" I asked.

"I cannot confirm or deny..." Laura giggled.

Just as I was about to say something about my "Reyes brother" predicament there was a loud gasp as one of the fighters in the cage hit the ground with a loud grunt. Both of our heads shot up and I looked over at Laura.

"Who was in the cage?" I questioned.

Laura looked at me for a moment before answering. "Riz and Angel."

"Shit," I mumbled as I put my beer bottle down and ran to EZ's trailer to grab the first aid kit. In this place, I made sure to have a first aid kit stashed in every spot I thought was necessary. You never knew when you would come across an injured Mayan.

When I came out of the trailer Coco and Riz were already making their way towards me and Laura with a barely coherent Angel slumped in between them. They sat him down on the table and I took a quick look at him before turning to Riz.

"Jesus, Riz, how hard did you hit him?"

"When you're in the cage anything's fair game, Soph," Riz replied, a small smirk crossing his lips.

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