Part 8

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Sophia's Point of View

I followed Bishop into the clubhouse, smiling to myself. EZ's lips were so soft. It was a simple kiss, but it left an impression on me, that was for sure. Bishop led me into the Chapel and closed the door behind us. I looked at him curiously.

"I thought only fully patched members could be in here?" I questioned.

He smiled at me. "What I want to talk to you about requires complete secrecy, Soph."

I knew what he wanted to talk about, but I asked anyways. "What's going on?"

"I just got off the phone with Hank," Bishop stated, "He said you guys had the talk..."

"You make that sound wrong," I exclaimed with a laugh, "I already know about the birds and the bees, Bishop."

"Jesus, Sophia," Bishop laughed, "He told you about him and your mom. I just wanted to check in on you, make sure you're ok. Are you...OK?"

Bishop, as scary as he could be at times, was as sweet as they come. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him close. He kissed me on the cheek and held me tight.

"I wasn't expecting it," I answered quietly, "But I'm not mad or upset. If anything, I'm sad that they didn't get their happy ending."

I pulled away from him after a moment and he looked into my eyes.

"Hank was devastated, but he didn't want to burden you with that," Bishop said after a moment, "He wanted to tell you, he just didn't know how."

"I completely understand," I replied, "I don't hold it against him...Bish, I appreciate the concern, but I promise, everything is good. I shouldn't keep EZ waiting too much longer..."

The loving gleam in his eyes disappeared and was replaced with something a little more serious. Uncle Hank and Bishop had always tried their best to support my choices when it came to guys, whether it was some random or a member of the club. However, they always warned me to use my discretion. The two of them had known from the beginning how I felt about Angel, although I never really did anything to keep it a secret, and they always pointed out that he was a good guy, but he had a dangerous side. Hank always preferred it if I didn't date a member, but he also knew that you couldn't help who you fell in love with.

"You and EZ seemed to have hit it off," Bishop stated, "He's a good guy. Very intelligent, very invaluable to the club, and very much into you...What happened with Angel?"

"Bish..." I sighed, "Angel won't let me in. I have not hidden my feelings for him, but he keeps himself at a distance from me. I can't keep putting myself through that. I know he cares about me and he will always be one of my best friends, but that's all he sees me as. EZ...well, EZ and I had a connection from the day we first met and we never hid it from each other."

"If EZ makes you happy and treats you well, then that's all that matters," Bishop replied with a smile, "I just want you to be happy."

"I don't want to put a label on what EZ and I are," I replied, "But right now, I am happy, or as happy as one can be after going through what I went through. That's better than nothing."

I gave Bishop a quick kiss on the cheek and flashed him my best smile.

"I love you."

"Get out of here," he said with a laugh as he mussed up my hair, "Don't keep the poor boy waiting."


Sophia's Point of View

EZ and I sat across from each other in a booth at the back of the bar. Our arms were stretched across the table and our fingers were intertwined as we laughed and enjoyed each others company. After four pints of beer I was pleasantly happy and perhaps a little giggly. EZ had a couple but stopped after a while, knowing he had to drive back.

The way he touched me was electrifying. The way his thumb traced circles on my palm was enough to make me crawl over the table and climb into his lap, but I refrained.

"How are you feeling, Soph?" he asked quietly, a sweet smile spreading across his lips, "The visit to the cemetery today seemed to really shake you up."

"My mom and Hank...they had been having an affair for twenty-four years," I replied quietly, "It was quite a shock to the system and honestly, I'm still trying to process it."

I watched as EZ slid out of the booth and sat down beside me. He looked into my eyes as he reached up and brushed a piece of hair out of my eyes. I turned my body slightly so I was facing him and I rested my hand on his thigh.

"Wow, Sophie...I wasn't expecting that."

"Neither was I," I replied sadly, "The surprising thing, though, I'm not upset. I feel quite sad actually, that neither of them got their happy ending. They deserved so much more than what they ended up with. I guess my mom told my dad about her and my Uncle Hank and he didn't take it too well. He cut off all means of communication. Uncle Hank never heard from her again."

"I'm so sorry," EZ mumbled, "I wish I could take your pain away, somehow. Is there anything I can do to help? Even if just for a moment?"

"Kiss me..."

His hand moved from my hair down the side of my face, his thumb caressing my bottom lip in a sensual way. My eyes closed and I kissed his thumb as he made a second pass over my lip. When my eyes opened again, his brown eyes were burning into mine. He reached down and grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to him as he leaned in and just barely brushed his lips against mine. A small whimper escaped my lips and I noticed a small smile tug at the corner of his mouth.

"Tease," I mumbled.

"Have to make sure you really want it..." he said, his voice dripping with desire.

"EZ..." I whined while batting my eyelashes.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up against his muscular body, causing me to groan. My groan was the last straw as he crashed his lips against mine in a hungry kiss. The heat started at my toes and travelled all the way up my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and crawled into his lap, not caring who saw us. EZ pulled my hair gently, pulling my head back so he could kiss down my neck. His lips against my skin set every nerve ending in my body on fire. He slowly and painfully ran his tongue over my collar bone before leisurely moving his way back up to my lips.

Without even realizing I was doing it, my mind wandered back to everything that had happened over the last couple weeks and the moment was ruined. I sighed heavily and pulled away from him, resting my forehead against his.

"I'm sorry, EZ," I said barely above a whisper, "my thoughts are taking over right now. Maybe tonight isn't the best night for this."

"It's no problem, Sophia," he replied quietly, "Why don't we get you home to bed. You and I...we have plenty of time to figure this out."

EZ pulled me against him and kissed me softly one last time, making my thoughts momentarily melt away. I kissed him back softly before pulling away and looking into his eyes. I could see the desire in his eyes, but I could see his sincerity and understanding.

EZ was a special kind of human and I didn't want to rush anything with him. I wanted to do things right and I could feel that he wanted that too.

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