Chapter 7

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Sabrina's POV:

"I'm tired. Please baby I don't want to," I said putting the cover over my head.

"Come on just for two hours and then later tonight we can my chocolate cake and pizza," he said and I moved the cover from my head.

"Promise?" I asked and he nodded. "Okay." I got out bed. "Wait. Pinky swear?" We did it and he shook his head.

"You're so childish," he said with a chuckle. I took the pillow and threw it at his head. He turned around and tackle me on the bed. Then he started tickling me.

"Stop," I said laughing.

"Say sorry," he said.

"No," I said looking at him. He started tickling me again. "Okay, I'm sorry." He got off me and left the room. I got up and brush my teeth, and got dressed. I went to his parents gym. He was already working out. "What are we going?"

"Get stretch and we're going for a run," he said.

"Hell no. This is too much," I said looking at him.

"Babe, come on. Remember chocolate cake and spaghetti tonight with a movie," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine," I said and got on the floor. I started stretching and he stretched with me. After we were done stretching. We started running and he kept on messing with me. "Stop. How long are we running?"

"A mile," he said and I stopped and looked at me. "You're a track runner. That's not bad." He kept running.

"Boy I'm not a long distance runner," I said catching up to him.

"Pace yourself baby," he said and and I wanted to punch him. We ran a mile and we got back to his house and I dropped to the ground.

"I hate you. Even my coach don't have us work this hard," I said.

"Come on, baby. Just an hour of working out and then we will be done," he said pacing back and forth. I got up and we started working out. When we finish I dropped to the ground. He walked up to me and try to hug me and put my hands in front of me to block him.

"Don't touch new," I said and he laughed.

"You look sexy baby. Let me kiss you," he said leaning down. "You earn your surprise for tonight."

"Yo, stop spoiling me," I said and he laughed and kissed my lips. He got up and I got up and we went in the house.

"Oh my y'all are all sweaty," Mrs. Carson said.

"Good morning mom," Josh said.

"Good morning, Mrs. Carson," I said and she smiled and went to her bedroom. We went upstairs and Josh's bedroom. I got in the shower immediately. I took my shower and went to his lounge area. My parents are out of town for the weekend so I staying with my baby. And I'm not working with weekend either.

After a few minutes he came in the lounge area and we sat there watching tv and chilling. His mom came upstairs. "Y'all your dad and I are going to hang out. Um don't do anything stupid."

"Okay," Josh said. She went downstairs and his parents left the house. I got his blanket and came in the room and cuddle with him. "Babe, are you still a virgin?" I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Just curious," he said.

"Yeah, I planning on giving it to my future husband," I said and he pulled me close. My breath hitch.

"I'm gonna be your future husband," he said and I smiled and kissed his lips.

"Maybe," I said. He put his hands in my hair and started massaging my scalp. "That feeling so good." I dozed off. I woke up and he was sleep. I turned the tv on and sat up. He laid his head on my thigh and fell back asleep. I played in his hair while I watched tv. I got my phone and recorded him sleeping. I kissed his the side of his face. He woke up and looked at me.

"Baby, I'm hungry," he said.

"We have leftovers from yesterday," I said playing with his hair.

"Let's just pick up some pizza," he said.

"Okay," I said. He got up and we went to his car. "Can we stop by my house and get more clothes?"

"Yeah," he said and we drove to my house. My dad's car was in the driveway.

"Why is my dad here? He's supposed to be on a trip with my mom," I said and I got out the car. I went in my house. "DAD?" I yelled and ran to my room. "Daddy?" He came out in his robe. "When did you start wearing robes?"

He chuckle and crossed my arms. I can't where robes?" He questioned.

"You never wear robes though. What's going on?" I asked trying to get past him. He blocked the door. "Dad move."

"Sabrina why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at Kylie's house?" He asked.

"This is not about me dad. Dad what are you hiding," I said and opened the door and there was another woman sitting in my parents bed. I dropped my phone and looked at my dad. "Dad what is going on?"

"Sabrina honey I can explain," he said.

"Dad you're cheating on mom?" I questioned.

"Sabrina let me explain," he said trying to touch.

"No, stop. Don't touch me," I said snatching myself from him. "Dad I cant believe you." I grabbed my phone and ran out the house. I got to the car.

"Where are your things?" Josh asked.

"Let's go," I said.

"Babe, what's wrong? Where's your things?" He asked.

"LET'S GO," I yelled and he started driving. I kept quiet while we were driving. We got pizza and head to his house.

"Are you okay?" He asked as we were sitting down on the couch. Tears started rolling down my cheek. "Baby, talk to me." I wiped my face and looked at him.

"I found my dad cheating on my mom," I said and started crying. He pulled me close to him. "I can't believe him."

"It's okay, baby," he said holding me.

"This is bad. Where is my mom then if my dad is here?" I questioned.

"Baby, just don't think about it," he said and held me tighter. I cried on his shoulder. "It's okay." He rubbed my back and I cried on his shoulder and fell asleep on his shoulder.

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