Chapter 14: Rise Of Keizer Ghidorah

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 14, time for the rise of a familiar enemy. Now let's begin)


(A/N: music)

"X took out two stones, a red one and a black one, the stones suddenly began to glow as they began floating and two monsters appeared in front of him"

"X took out two stones, a red one and a black one, the stones suddenly began to glow as they began floating and two monsters appeared in front of him"

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"However unlike the giant monsters, these two monsters were small, the were about the size of humans

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"However unlike the giant monsters, these two monsters were small, the were about the size of humans......well almost, they were a bit bigger than a average human"

X: i want you two to go find Godzilla and his friends and destroy their stones except for Godzilla's. I want him to struggle

"They both nodded as they then fly away, X turns around to face a large purple stone which made him smile"

X: yes. The Titan will soon rise. The only thing missing is two pieces and luckily i have them

"He takes out two pieces of skin, they came from Spacegodzilla and Destoroyah"

X: i was lucky to have reach them and now all i need to do is to put these pieces of skin inside the stone

"X walks towards the large stone and puts the two pieces of skin inside the stone. The stone suddenly began to grow larger becoming about the size of a mountain and the color changed to dark purple"

X: finally. My creation is finally done but it will take a while. So in the mean time. It's time for me to take action

"Suddenly X felt a deep pain inside him causing him to groan in pain and he falls in his knees. Coming out of his back were two huge wings causing to yell in pain"

X: even after all of these years. The pain will never go away but i don't care

"He yelled more in pain as he was transforming and changing size, his skin was changing, he has now glossy gold and teal skin which appears black and gold, streaks and spikes were erupting from multiple spots on his body, two tails appeared and two heads comes out of his shoulders. X had transformed into Keizer Ghidorah"

Keizer: it's time for this world to be turned into ashes

"He let's out a loud roar and begins flying, dark clouds appeared in the sky while lightning could be heard. The wrath of Keizer Ghidorah has begun"

To be continued.

(A/N: that's all for this chapter hope you enjoy and i'll see you guys next time)

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