Chapter 13: Christmas Fun

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 13, we continue to celebrate the holiday season. Now let's begin)

(A/N: music)

"After having confessed their feelings for each other, Godzilla and Ruby continued their fun turning their hang out into a date, however they weren't the only ones having a date, the others were also having a date. Anguirus was with Weiss, Rodan was with Yang, Varan was with Blake, Baragon was with Velvet, Gorosaurus was with Coco and Manda was with Mothra. Everyone were having the greatest time of their lives, surprisingly they managed to confess their feelings to their date and they accepted it. Godzilla and Ruby were walking in the street of Vale until suddenly they come across a familiar face who was waving at them"

Penny: Ruby ! Goji !

Ruby: Penny !

"Ruby runs up to Penny and hugs her"

Penny: i'm so happy to see you again

Ruby: me too !

Godzilla: are you here to celebrate Christmas ?

Penny: of course. And i wanted to introduce to the both someone but i believe you already know him Goji

Godzilla: i do ?

???: Penny !

"Penny turns around and her eyes widen in happiness when she saw her grey haired boyfriend running towards her, she runs towards him and they end up hugging each other"

Penny: Jet. You actually came

Jet: of course i came. I wouldn't leave my girlfriend alone

Godzilla: wait what ?! Jet ?!

Jet: Goji. Your here

"Both friends run up to each other and gave themselves an high five"

Godzilla: it's been so long since the last time we saw each other

Jet: yep. It's been so long

Godzilla: wait. Are you Penny's boyfriend ?

Jet: yep. We're a thing

"Penny hugs him from behind causing him to chuckle"

Jet: "looks at Ruby" and i'm guessing you're her friend. Ruby is it ?

Ruby: yep. It's nice to meet you

Jet: nice to meet you too. I'm guessing that Goji is your boyfriend

Godzilla: you got that right

"Ruby holds his hand causing him to blush"

Jet: well. I wish you guys a Merry Christmas

Godzilla: same for you buddy

"Jet holds Penny's hand as they walk away. Godzilla was surprised to see his friend Jet Jaguar here. Despite not asking how he got here, he was happy"

Godzilla: well. Never thought that i'll be celebrating a great Christmas

Ruby: me too

"Ruby then kisses his cheek causing him to blush hard as she giggles, he smirked as he then kisses her on the lips which she didn't see it coming but she kisses back. Godzilla was definitely living a great life"

To be continued.

(A/N: that's all for this chapter hope you enjoy and i'll see you guys next time)

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