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(A/N: hello readers welcome to the Prologue we will find out how Godzilla enters the world of RWBY. Now let's begin)

"Buildings were destroyed, people were for their lives, some survived but some died, two giant powerful monsters were getting ready to fight. Godzilla the king of the monsters against King Ghidorah his arch nemesis"

Godzilla: you will not get a way like this Ghidorah

Ghidorah: we'll see about that

(A/N: here's the music for the battle)

"Ghidorah fired his gravity beams at Godzilla, Godzilla dodged the beams and ranned towards Ghidorah, he punched Ghidorah stomach and hits him with his tail making Ghidorah back away. Ghidorah flys up using his wings he was flying towards Godzilla and was about to kick him with his two legs but Godzilla grabbed his legs, Ghidorah pushed Godzilla into a building then he kicked Godzilla stomach making him roar in pain, fall into the building and fall to the ground"

Ghidorah: "lands on the ground" well looks like the king of the monsters is losing

"Godzilla eyes glows and he gets up, his dorsal spines were glowing and he fired his atomic breath at Ghidorah. The laser touched Ghidorah and exploded on him making Ghidorah roar in pain and back away"

Ghidorah: "groans in pain" DAMN YOU !

"Ghidorah fired his gravity beams and Godzilla fired his atomic breath, both attacks collide and exploded out of no where a black hole appears. Ghidorah was flying away but the black hole was to strong that he went inside the black hole, Godzilla fired his atomic breath at the black hole and the atomic breath went inside the black hole, Godzilla was trying avoid the black hole but he goes inside the black hole"

(A/N: end of the music)

In the world of Remnant, Team RWBY's dorm

Ruby: "sighs" what a day

Yang: you can say that again. Man that test was brutal

Weiss: oh come on it couldn't be that hard

Blake: says the girl who doesn't take a break studying

Weiss: "sighs" okay, the test may have been a little bit hard, but at least you girls can do is study

Ruby: yeah "yawns" i'm going to bed

Weiss: way ahead of ya

Yang/Blake: Goodnight

"As Team RWBY was gonna go to sleep all of a the sudden everything was starting to shake which woke up Team RWBY"

Ruby: whats going on why is everything shaking

Weiss: guys look ! "Points out the window"

Blake: what the.....what's going on ? Why is there a huge black hole ?

Ruby: does this happen a lot ?

Yang: i don't think so sis

Roman Torchwick P.O.V

Roman: come on hurry up we don't have time get those crates in the bullhead "looks up" what in the.....?

White Fang Soldier 1: whoa is this new ?

White Fang Soldier 2: i don't know ?

Roman: uh......everyone inside the warehouse, we'll wait tomorrow to pick up those supplies

"As they fall back Roman gets a call on his scroll"

Roman: hello yes i'm here are you seeing this ?

Cinder P.O.V

Cinder: this is something new, and i want all White Fang activities to cease until i know what's going on and hole off on the plan. Understood ?

Roman: "on the scroll" yes ma'am, i'll make sure that is clear

Cinder: good "hangs up"

Emerald: Cinder why are you holding off on the operation ? Is this something your not feeling right ?

Mercury: something is wrong isn't it Cinder ?

Cinder: yes i'm sensing a large power in that black hole, one evil, one good. It's a feeling that i never felt before. I wonder if she knows

Ozpin P.O.V

Glynda: "walks in" are you seeing this professor ? This is a first i've seen

Ozpin: yes this somewhat new. I want a full investigation on what's happening and make the announcement tomorrow

Glynda: yes sir "walks away"

Ozpin: (i feel two different power sources from this black hole. Something i never felt before, one evil and one good. What's happening)

Team RWBY's dorm

Yang: i don't like this

Blake: me netheir

Ruby: guys look !

"They saw two lights coming out the black hole, a blue light and a yellow light. The yellow light represents a three headed dragon while the blue light represents a monster with dorsal spines, the dragon was flying away while the monster was falling into the forest then the black hole disappears"

Blake: what....what was that ?

Ruby: they were two lights

Weiss: the yellow lights represents a dragon while the blue lights represents somekind of monster

Yang: what does that mean ?

Blake: whatever it means it's not a good sign

To be continued.

(A/N: that's all for the Prologue hope you enjoy and i'll see you guys next time)

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