Chapter 4: welcome to Beacon

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 4 now it's time for Godzilla to go to Beacon. Now let's begin)

At the hospital

Godzilla P.O.V

"Godzilla's eyes fluttered open as he looked up to see white roof. He looked around to see that he was in a room. He felt someone holding his right hand"

???: oh your awake

"He turned to see the girl that saved him from Ghidorah"

Godzilla: (it's her)

Ruby: hi my name is Ruby Rose

Godzilla: (oh god what do i say think, think, think.....i got it) hmm...what happened

Ruby: you got attacked by someone but we managed to save you before he killed you

Godzilla: wait what do you mean by "we" ?

"Three girls entered the room. One with blonde hair, one with black hair and one with white hair"

???: oh your awake

???: how are you feeling ?

Godzilla: i'm fine...i guess...and who are you three ?

Yang: i'm Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's big sister

Weiss: i'm Weiss Schnee

Blake: and i'm Blake Belladonna

Ruby: and we are Team RWBY what's your name ?

Godzilla: (oh no, now what do i do, i can't say my true name....wait i got it) oh well my name is Goji

Yang: nice name

Godzilla: do any of you know what happened to that guy ?

Weiss: you mean the one that attacked you ?

Godzilla: yep

Blake: he left..why ? Do you know anything about that faunus that attacked you

Godzilla: (i don't think i should tell them that it was Ghidorah or that i'm actually a monster) actually i don't

Ruby: well it doesn't matter "gives a glass of water" here

Godzilla: oh thanks "takes the glass of water and drinks the water"

???: i see that your awake

"They all see a man entering the room"

Ruby: Prof. Ozpin

Ozpin: excuse me girls, but could i speak with our new guest for a few minutes

Blake: of course, Professor

"The girls leave as the man walks up to the head of the bed with a cane"

Ozpin: hello, i am Professor Ozpin Headmaster of Beacon Acamedy

Godzilla: ok so why am i here ?

Ozpin: well young man you seem to have a high style in combat even if you don't have weapons, tell me how did you learn how to fight ?

Godzilla: (why do they ask so many question ?...well i can't lie about this question) well i started training with my father. After a while i finally learned my fighting skills

Ozpin: impressive tell me would you like to join my school, every huntsmen and huntresses learn how to be better, so what do you say

Godzilla: (hmm maybe if i join i'll probably learn more about this world) alright i'm in

Ozpin: perfect, i'll have things ready for your arrival. Welcome to Beacon

Godzilla: (well i guess it's time for me to live in this world)


"As the Bullhead arrives at the landing pad, Godzilla and Team RWBY get's off and Godzilla was amazed at what he was looking at. The view of Beacon Academy, Godzilla's eyes widen with amazement and seeing the other students walking around"

Godzilla: whoa this place is amazing

Ruby: it sure is. I mean everyone would dream to come to this school. In fact everyone around would dream to come here

Yang: it's one of the best schools anyone can come to learn how to be the best huntsmen and huntresses in the world

???: hey everyone

"Godzilla turns around and sees four more people walking towards them"

Ruby: hey Jaune. How was y'alls mission

Jaune: nothing. Couldn't find any grimm. How about you "looks at Godzilla" and who's this ?

Ruby: oh this is Goji. We found him in a strange place fighting a strange faunus and he was pretty skilled on fighting

Jaune: oh ok, "extends hand" names Jaune, Jaune Arc

Godzilla: "takes hand then shakes it" nice to meet you

Jaune: oh, and these are my teammates

Nora: hi, i'm Nora

Pyrrha: i'm Pyrrha Nikos, it's a pleasure to meet you

Ren: and i'm Lie Ren, but just call me Ren

Jaune: and we are Team JNPR, and pretty much i'm leader

Godzilla: nice to meet all of you, like Ruby said my name is Goji

At the forest

"The black stone was flying around the forest, the grimms were scared when they saw the stone, the stone landed behind a tree and started glowing"

To be continued.

(A/N: thats all for Chapter 4 hope you enjoy and i'll see you next time)

Godzilla and RWBY: rise of the king Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora