Chapter 2: Godzilla vs Gigan

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 2 it's now time for a fight. Let's begin)

"After the announcement at Beacon, Team RWBY was sent into the forest to investigate any unnatural Grimm behavior after that night, they were walking in the forest for hours and never found a single Grimm"

Ruby: where are the Grimms, it's been four hours and we never spotted one "sighs" this is so boring

Weiss: for once i agree with Ruby, we have been out here and no signs of Grimms, i'm starting to think the events from last night scared the Grimms

Blake: i doubt it

"As they continue walking they saw something glowing in a distance"

Ruby: what is that thing glowing

Yang: i don't check it out

"They all ranned to the light and they saw a midnight blue stone"

Blake: it's that a stone ?

Ruby: it looks like "grabs the stone" could that be the blue light from the black hole

Weiss: i don't think so, the color of the light was a light blue, this one is more of a midnight blue

Yang: then does that mean that there's a light blue stone ?

Blake: who knows maybe it's somewhere around here

"Then the stone started moving and their widen"

Ruby: hmm why is the stone moving

"They were shocked after seeing the stone move then the stone started flying up and started shining"

Yang: "looking up" whats going on

Ruby: "looking up" why is it glowing

"Then the stone stopped glowing and exploded then a giant cyborg monster came out flying out of the smoke. The monster had a midnight blue palette with red fins on his back, he had a red visor, a beak with sharp teeth inside, a buzzsaw running down his chest, he had spikes on his head and tail and his hands were scythe-like blades. The cyborg monster was flying to Vale"

Blake: it's flying to Vale

Weiss: we need to stop it

"They followed the giant cyborg monster"

Godzilla P.O.V

"Godzilla was still walking trying to find a city"

Godzilla: "sighs" how long i've being walking and how far is the city

"Then Godzilla heard a roar that he recognized"

Godzilla: "eyes widen" Gigan

"Godzilla started running to the direction he heard the roar, after a long run he finally find a city"

Godzilla: finally there's a city "sees Gigan" and there's Gigan

Ruby P.O.V

"Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake were all in differents buildings and they fired their attacks at Gigan but it didn't do enough damage"

Ruby: why is it not working

Weiss: it seems that our attacks are not giving it enough damage

"Godzilla was running into city then he's hiding behind a building and sees Gigan"

Godzilla: dammit how will fight Gigan like this

"Then his pocket starts to glow, he realized that the stone is glowing, he takes the stone out of his pocket and then starts to move"

Godzilla: why is it moving

"Then Gigan turns and faces the building that Ruby's on, he realize that Godzilla is behind the building. Gigan fired a laser beam at building causing the building to fall and also causing Ruby to fall"

Yang: Ruby !

"Godzilla looks up and sees that the building is about to fall on him"

Godzilla: "eyes widen" oh no

"Suddendly the stone went inside Godzilla, he started glowing and Godzilla was growing and changing"

Godzilla: (what the ! Why am i growing) "looks at his hands" (wait am i turning back into a monster)

"Godzilla transformed back into his monster form as he sees Ruby falling he quickly catches her and pushes the building"

"Everyones eyes widen as they saw the king of the monsters including Ruby as she saw the monster that saved her. Godzilla gently puts Ruby on the ground and gets ready to fight"

Gigan: well we meet again heh

Godzilla: yep and this time i'm going break you

Gigan: we'll see about that

(A/N: here the music for the battle)

"Gigan started running and slashed him with his blades but Godzilla dodged Gigan tried again but this time Godzilla grabbed the blade and punched Gigan in the face making him back away, Godzilla hit Gigan with his tail but Gigan dodged by jumping then kicking Godzilla in the face making Godzilla back away a little. Godzilla dorsal spines glowed and he fired his atomic breath at Gigan but Gigan dodged by flying Godzilla kept fireing his atomic breath but Gigan kept dodging, Gigan fired his laser beam at Godzilla, the laser touched the Godzilla and exploded on him making roar in pain then Gigan flied towards Godzilla and slashed Godzilla with his buzzsaw badly bleeding him and making roar in pain"

"Gigan lands on the ground and fired his dual grappling hooks binding Godzilla and dragging him straight into his buzzsaw, Godzilla grabbed his grapplings and throws Gigan smashing him in the ground. Then Godzilla grabbed his left blade and rips it off causing Gigan to roar in pain, Godzilla then stabs Gigan with his own blade causing Gigan to weakened, Godzilla dorsal spines glowed and he fired his atomic breath at Gigan, the beam touched Gigan and exploded causing Gigan to also explode until Gigan was dead"

(A/N: end of the battle music)

"Godzilla let out a victory roar then Godzilla started glowing and was turned back as a human"

Godzilla: well that was rough "looks around" well better hide "runs away"

Ruby P.O.V

Ruby: (who was that monster where did it come from)

Yang: Ruby !

"Ruby turns around and gets hug by her sister"

Yang: i'm so glad that your alright

Weiss: Ruby did that monster saved you

Ruby: yes

Blake: but how

Ruby: i don't know he's just came out of no where

Yang: what were those monsters ?

Ruby: i don't know but i got feeling that we'll be seeing more

To be continued.

(A/N: thats all for Chapter 2 hope you enjoy and i'll see you next time)

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