Chapter 5: the giant samurai

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(A/N: hello reader welcome to Chapter 5 now it's time to have more monster action. Now let's begin)

Godzilla P.O.V

"As Godzilla meets Team JNPR, they went to the mess hall and Team RWBY tells everyone how they met him. And they were completely shocked at what they told them"

Jaune: so wait you were walking into a strange place and this guy attacked you

Godzilla: yep but i didn't back down

Ruby: how did you learn to fight like this ?

Godzilla: i've been training with my father

Pyrrha: he seems like a nice person

Godzilla: he is (well not really a person)

Blake: hey Goji do know how that faunus looked like ?

Godzilla: (she's talking about Ghidorah) well....i'm not sure if i remembered but i think he had horns, wings and two tails...kind like a dragon

Ren: a dragon faunus ?

Godzilla: something like that

Nora: hey Goji what type of faunus are you ?

Godzilla: (why do they ask so many question ?) I'm a dinosaur

"They were all surprised after what he said"

Godzilla: shocking i know right

Ruby: no actually it's pretty awesome

Godzilla: oh ok (i never thought that Ruby will be so nice to me, actually i've never thought that humans will be nice)

"Suddenly they all hear an explosion coming from outside"

Godzilla: what was that ?

Yang: i don't know let's check it out

"They all went outside and their eyes widen as they saw a giant samurai"

Weiss: a giant samurai

Yang: well there goes another giant monster

Blake: where did it come from ?

Ruby: who knows but it's attacking Vale and we need to stop it

"They all nodded and they went to Vale except for Godzilla who was surprised to see a giant samurai"

Godzilla: well this is new after seeing monsters and robots i now get to see a samurai

"Suddenly Godzilla stone was glowing, he takes his stone out of his pocket"

Godzilla: "looks at the stone" well...i guess i'll need to stop it

"Godzilla started running at Vale"

At Vale

Ruby P.O.V

"The giant samurai was walking into Vale destroying some buildings, Team RWBY and Team JNPR were fireing their attacks at the samurai but it didn't do enough damage"

Ren: our attacks are useless

Yang: how are we suppose to defeat that thing ?

"Godzilla was hiding behind a building, he puts the stone inside his chest and started glowing and transforming into his monster form appearing behind the samurai. Team RWBY and Team JNPR were surprised to see the monster that saved Ruby"

Ruby: "looking at Godzilla with a smile"

(A/N: here's the battle music)

"Godzilla let's out a roar and started charging at the samurai, Godzilla punched the samurai but it dodged, Godzilla tried punching the samurai but it kept dodging, Godzilla then hits the samurai with his tail but the samurai grabbed his tail and throws him into a building. Godzilla dorsal spines started glowing and he fired his atomic breath at the samurai, the samurai took out his katana and blocked the atomic breath, Godzilla then stopped fireing his atomic breath and charges towards the samurai, the samurai tried slashing Godzilla with his katana but Godzilla dodged it's attacks. The samurai then kicked Godzilla on his stomach and slashed his chest making him roar in pain and falls to the ground bleeding"

Ruby: he's not gonna make it !

Jaune: how should we help him ?

Ruby: Jaune you and your Team will distract the samurai me and my Team will try to give it enough damage

Jaune: got it !

"Team JNPR were running pass the samurai, the samurai saw them and starts following them, Team RWBY were in a building and they were fireing their attacks at the samurai and again it didn't do enough damage, the samurai turned around and saw Team RWBY and walks towards them. Godzilla quickly got up and pushes the samurai away from Team RWBY, the samurai was about to slash him but he quickly grabs his katana and breaks it, Godzilla bites the left arm of the samurai and rips it off, the samurai starts to weakened, Godzilla then hits the samurai with his tail sending it flying into a building. Godzilla dorsal spines starts to glow and he fires his atomic breath hitting the samurai, the atomic breath goes through the samurai then the samurai explodes"

(AN: end of the music)

Godzilla P.O.V

"Godzilla let's out a victory roar then he starts glowing and he turns back into a faunus"

Godzilla: "groans in pain" well that hurts...better join the others "starts walking"

"After minutes of walking he finally founds Team RWBY and Team JNPR"

Ruby: ah there you are Goji

Weiss: you know it will be great if you helped us against that samurai

Godzilla: i don't have any weapons

Weiss: oh you got a point

Yang: well that doesn't matter that samurai got destroyed and Vale is saved now let's get back to Beacon

"They all walked to Beacon until Ruby noticed something wrong with Godzilla, he was walking slowly like he was hurt"

Ruby: Goji are you hurt ?

Godzilla: no i'm fine

Ruby: are you sure ?

Godzilla: yeah "keeps walking"

Ruby: "looks at Godzilla walking slowly" (i don't know what happened to him but i hope he's alright)

To be continued.

(A/N: thats all for Chapter 5 hope you enjoy and i'll see you next time)

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