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I had to get this out of my system

It might be controversial for some BUT I AM SPEAKING FROM MY POV AND MY REALITY! I know there are places where things are worse and I hurt for their people, but understand that I live in a free country! Whatever you have to say please comment it, I want to know your thoughts! Also if you think I'm missing something don't be scared to call me out! I'm not here to offend, hurt or fight. If you're not mature enough I recommend to not read it, I don't want any misunderstandings.

I was talking to a guy who is trying to win me over and he said two things that ruined everything for him:

1) When I graduated high school he asked me if I cried during the act and I said no. He then said "you're a strong girl" AND IT THREW ME. YES I AM STRONG BUT CRYING DOESN'T MAKE YOU WEAK. I'm one of those people who isn't comfortable with their feelings, but that doesn't mean I don't understand that. I actually think crying makes you strong. You let yourself be vulnerable and not many people can do it!! Being vulnerable is a scary thing for me, but I embrace it and find strength in it! Like, crying in front of people? Is doing something scary and overcoming it!
When I told him that, he was like "don't misunderstand me". Yeah I get why you think like that, interiorized misogyny is a bitch, but we have to fight it. Didn't seem like he realized it.

2) Today I was talking to him and he said girls at his school are toxic cuz they have casual sex. EXCUSE ME? GIRLS WHO EMBRACE THEIR SEXUALITY AND ENJOY IT ARE FUCKING BRAVE. It's so hard to be a woman in this society because we are seen as sluts if we like sleeping around! But when women are empowered and have casual sex without caring about what people say it's amazing and an act of braveness. I admire you, we're being judge for something so natural. I STAND WITH YOU LADIES NOT AGAINST YOU. STOP WITH THIS SLUT SHAMING SHIT. It's your body and you can give yourself to anyone you'd like. As long as you're doing it for yourself and not because of insecurities; love yourself first!
The worst part is that he didn't say anything about the boys, he just said "they're good guys, just flirt a lot." AGAIN: INTERIORIZED MISOGYNY. I'm not saying he should hate on guys too, what I mean is that he should treat girls and boys equally. Girls are sluts and boys are just being boys? Fuck no. GIRLS AND BOYS ARE BEING HUMANS.
He then changed topics cuz he thinks it's a waste of his time to talk about these girls and I just ignored him. Taking a fight with a close minded person is the actual waste of time.
If he knew me well he'd throw me out of his life in a blink of an eye.
I have friends who are more sexually active than I am and they're anything but toxic. If he disagrees with that lifestyle is ok, but DO NOT JUDGE IT.
He needs to give these girls a chance. We're good people and he's just alienating them because they go against his believes.
REMEMBER: if someone thinks otherwise doesn't mean they're bad people!


For my fellow Christians out there, I'm one of yours, but do not keep away people who is from this world, you may not want to "contaminate" yourself, but they're good people. And if your faith is strong enough, you won't let it happen! Remember that even Jesus sat down with the prostitutes. God thought us to love everyone despite of everything! So do so! Love people and do not judge them. The only one allowed to judge is God cuz he knows the heart of every single being. And even if you want to, spread his word and lead people to the right path! BUT NEVER JUDGE AND ALSO RESPECT IF THEY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT OUR GOD.

For my fellow people with other religions, I don't know what yours might forbid or not, or what your god may command, but the message I want to give is the same: always respect others.

For my fellow atheist or people who aren't sure what they believe in, you're probably more liberal, but respect people who isn't, just like they must respect you! Be the bigger person if someone judges you! Tell them that you respect your differences and move on, do not fight!

I hope this world would know respect, tolerance and love. What we need is peace.

Going back to the main topic:

Just for you know, he's a good kid, but I've never liked him more than a friend, and now I don't even want to be involved with him. And how we say in my country: "vaya ver que picha mama". It literally translates to "go look which dick to suck" -makes cero sense in English, but it's used to tell people to fuck off after stupid behavior. It's a very vulgar saying tho.

It's so sad, maddening, and powerless when people know they have sexist thoughts and don't want to change them. YES, YOU WERE RAISED LIKE THAT BUT YOU NEED TO UNLEARN IT AND BREAK THE CYCLE!!!

Thanks for reading my rant, if you have anything to say please leave it in the comments! I wanna read your thoughts and be empowered together!

I also love boys, but these was a message for my babygirls! If you're a boy who stand with us I love you a little extra and thanks for understanding.

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