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"You ready" my brother kale asked smirking as he circled me
He was a huge Black wolf, he was big because he was Alpha
"we both know whos stronger" i said smirking
"i know but its worth a try" he laughed
he lunged at me but i dodged him
i latched onto his leg but he shook me off
he pounced on me but i threw him back he hit the wall with a thump causing him to put a hole though it
he stumbled back up and launched himself at me again but i jumped and landed intop of him
"Okay okay, i give up" he panted
"told you i would win" i said changing back into human form
"how is it possable that you can beat me when im the alpha and your 18" he asked
"years of training" i said as memories flashed through my mind
"dont think about it" he said kindly
i nodded
"and you suck" said beta Jai
"Do not disrespect your alpha" kale growled
"Kale calm down it was only a joke" i said placing my hand on his shoulder
"sorry" he mumbled

i decided i would go for a run
"im going for a run" i shouted out to kale
"okay be careful" he called back
"always am"
i walked out side and made my way into the forest surrounding the pack house
i changed into my wof form and started to run

i realised i was getting close to the border of our territory, i changed into human form and sat down at a tree

suddenly i smelt the most intoxicating smell
i got up and made my way towards it, i huge white wolf walked out from behind a tree, the wolf had the most amazing blue eyes, like mine
the wolf quickly turned into human form
i walked towards the boy
he looked to be my age, he had blond hair that swept across his face
"mate" he growled
i slowly moved closer to him
"im evelyn" i said streaching my arm out
"Kyle" he replied grasping it
"Wait a minute, your the p-prince of werewolves" i stuttered in amazment
"yes, and your the sister of alpha kale" he replied
"yup" i said amazed that kyle is standing there, he had the cutest smile on his face
"what are you doing so fare out in the woods" he asked
"i was going for a run because i had just finnished kicking kales ass" i laughed
"Wait, you beat him, he is alpha" he said
"before, before my parents died, my father taught me to fight since i was 6" i said
"ohhh, your lily and andrews daughter" he mumbled quietly
"yeah" i replied
"Where are you" i heard kale mind link me
"i found my mate" i replied
"i want to meet him" he replied
"my broyher wants to meet you" i said to kyle
"okay" he said calmly
we both made our way back to the pack house, i saw kale standing on the steps
"Kyle, meet kale, kale, meet kyle" i said
"Alpha, nice to meet you" kyle said in a dominant voice
"Kyle Dallas, prince of the werewolves" kale whispered
i smiled sheepishly
"nice to meet you, you better not hurt my little sister" kale said sternly
"wouldnt dream of it" kyle said, that made my heart skip a beat, i could feel heat rising in my cheeks

picture of kyle on the side

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