Double trouble

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We started walking around the castel, I was just noticing how big it actually was, it was massive, I remember the first time i came here, my birthmark was burning

As if my body was reading my thoughts I started to feel pain on my shoulder blade

"K-kyle, I need t-to get outside" I whimpered

A look of understanding crossed his face, he picked me up and ran me outside, I knew I couldn't change into my wolf so this was going to be more painful than usual

The pain was getting unbearable

I screamed out in pain then when kyle was far enough away from me I released my power, red electricity exploded ou of me, the pain subsided

I breathed a sigh of relief

I slowley got up and walled towards kyle, he immediately pulled me on a hug

"It scares me every time that happens to you" he whispered

I held him tighter

"Its okay, im okay, there is nothing to be scared about" i reasoned

"Come on let's get you back inside" he whispered

We slowley walked back inside

"Eve and kyle" Clair called
We walked towards the throne room, we walked in to see Clair sitting on her throne, now I know what you all thinking, by remember they are in a castle

"Yes" kyle asked
"Me and your father has decided it was time we handed over the throne" she said
I froze, does that mean I will be the queen of the werewolves
"T-the throne" I stuttered
Clair nodded smiling
"B-but what if I'm not good at it" I asked quietly
"Hey hey by, you will be amazing at it" kyle reassured
"Okay" I nodded
"Great, the ceremony will be in 2 weeks" she said
I smiled
"Oh and Clair, we also have an announcement" I said shyly looking up at kyle
I could see that he understood what I was going to saw, he gave my hand a squeeze
"I'm pregnant" I said
Suddenly I heard a squeeled ring through the room
I looked up at Clair in surprise
"Omg that's amazing, is It going to be a girl or a boy, what is he or her name going to be, how many" she asked quickly
I felt my eyes widen
"I- I don't know" I replied
"This is so exciting" she squeeled running up to me and pulling me I to a hug
I gasped
"Mooooom" kyle groaned
I giggled
"Well we better be off, by mom" kyle said taking my hand and pulling me away
"Bye Clair" I called as he pulled me out the doors

"Well that was interesting" he chuckled
I smiled
"I can't believe I got a mate as beautiful and amazing as you" he mumbled
I felt my cheeks go red
"Aww your so cute" he coo'd
I his my face in his shirt, he chuckled
He placed his fingers under my chin and lived my chin up making me look at him, he bought his lips down to mine, his palm went to my cheek and he made little cirles with the pad of his thumb
I wrapped my arms around his neck
I pulled me backwards until I felt my back hit something hard
I rested my hands on his shoulders and slightly pulled away so our foreheads were touching
"I love you" I whispered
"I love you more" he replied
"Do not" I smirked
"Do to"
"Do not"
"Do to"
"Do not" I said slipping away from him and skipping down the hall
"Do to" he called after me
"Do not"
Suddenly I ran into someone
I looked up to see kale
"Oh hey kale" I smiled
"What are you two arguing about" kale asked
"Oh, he thinks he loves me more that I love him which it totally not true" I said
"Dude, just give up, Iv already gone through this conversation with sky, she's going to win" kale called
"But I do" he wined
"Remember, the femail is always right" he chuckled
He grumbled
"Guess what, your gonna have to bow down to me peasent" I grinned
"Hey if she's going to be queen soon, does that mean I can be a prince" kale asked grinning
"No because royalty needs to be attractive, I mean we can't possibly risk having you as a prince" I tried to say in a British accent
"Don't eer do that again" kale laughed
I pouted
"Come on eve, we have things to do placed to be" kyle sung
I grinned and started pulling him towards the kitchen

Here I come my little munchkens, I'm coming for youuu!!!

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