The Attack (Part 2)

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"Kale" i whispered
"your safe" She said
i turned back to kyle, He had shifted back
a sob racked through my body, his toned torso was covered in cuts and scratches, Blood was covering him

i rested my head on his chest and cried, I felt my chest burning and black blotches clouded my vision
soon enough everything turned black


everything was white, i was the only thing not white, I had on a pair of ripped bloody shorts an no shirt
Hello" I called, My voice echoing

"Hello kyle" A voice said a something materialized infront of me
"Who are you" i asked, It was a woman, She was beautiful, She had blonde hair and bright blue eyes,her skin was a pale white but a good kind, But she was not as beautiful as eve, eve was perfect, Well atleast to me she was
"Im the moon goddess" She said, Her voice was like honey
"Iv come to decide your fate" she stated
I taufht my fate was already set" i said curiously
"We couldnt set your fate because of your mate" She said
i nodded
I seed you to sand on this X" She stated, Jst at that moment a small red X Appeared on the white floor
i cautiously walked over to it and stood ontop of it
"if youv cometed you life span th most you can then you go to heaven if youv still got more in you you will be sent back down" She stated
i felt hope and fear rise up in me
A Hollogram appeared infront of us it showed a scale

"If your belo the line will be sent back She said
i nodded again
the scale moved up and down, I closed my eyes in antisipation waiting for the result
a ding sounded

i slowley opened my eyes, I felt tears fall down my cheeks, I cant beleive it, its under the line

i felt my heart beating a mile a minute

"Well meet qgain kyle" She smiled
i nodded, The whiteness started fading away

I heard a loud beeping but that was canceled out when a bad feeling swooped over me
i managed to open one eye, The white ceiling above me blinded my eyes
i groaned
"Kyle" A voice asked, It sounded deep
I opened my eyes again to see kale
"Kale, Wheres eve" I asked frantically
"I dont know she left like 10 minutes ago, I tried to stop her but she got away" He explained, A pained expression on his face
i quikly started to geup but i wa pushed back down
"what the hell do you think your doing" Kale growled
"I dont THINK im doing anything, Im going to find my mate" I sneered
he flinched back
"Okay okay, I wont stop you" He breathed
i nodded and ripped the needle out of my arm
i stood up, I flt a bit lightheaded at first but i quickly got over it
i walked out of the room and i was instantly consumed by her intoxicating scent
i followed it outside then followed it into the woods, i came across a cliff, and there sat a girl, her legs dangling over the edge, i walked up next to her and sat down
she looked over at me and her eyes widened
"Kyle" She asked, shock written all over her face, i wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest
"I'm here" I murmured
"I-i thaught you were dead" she croaked
"Im right here" i repeated
"I love you so much kyle, dont ever do that to me again" she said
"I love you too eve and ill try not to" i joked
She jokingly punched my arm
"Come on lets go back, kale's probably wondering where i am" She said
i helped her up and we both headed back home

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