Chapter 30: Memories

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Chapter 30: Memories

(Demetri's POV)

"Chloe doesn't have a brother." I said glaring at the boy who just sat on his knees staring at the ground.

"Well not related by blood," Raven smiled, "right Alex?" The boy Alex lowered his head even more.

"Ah I see," Aro sighed, "adopted siblings. Were you two in the same foster home?"

"We were," he replied quietly, "she promised me that we would be family. When I turned sixteen Black found me and turned me. He promised me that Chloe and I will be a family again; but then your damn tracker took her away." He finished with a growl towards me and I growled back.

"Demetri calm yourself." Marcus said in warning and I clenched my teeth.

"Where is Chloe?" Heidi demanded and Alec clenched his fists.

"Child," Aro said, "I suggest you tell us or Blake will kill her."

"I can't tell you." He said not looking at us.

"Why?" I growled.

"Because you will kill the others there," he whispered, "and those people are my family."

"And what if we promise to only kill Blake?" Marcus asked calmly.

"I would say you are lying." Alex hissed.

"We are not," it was Raven who spoke, "you can even join them and ensure your family is protected. My coven's only target is Blake."

"Promise?" Alec whispered looking up at her. It was then my growls quieted because he looked like a lost child. The same way Chloe looked all those years ago when she ran away from her foster family.

"Promise," she smiled kindly, "right uncle Aro?" Aro sighed then nodded.

"I can make an exception," he said, "so long as you take responsibility for them."

"I will." Alec said, "we own that island; it's our home." Aro nodded.

"Well then Alec gather the elite guard," Aro finally said, "take Alex and go kill Blake."

"Yes sir." Alec said with a nod then after giving Raven a quick kiss he walked into the castle with the rest of the elite guard on his heel."

(Chloe's POV)

I just laid on the floor of the cell my strength completely gone and my throat burning. How did Demetri manage to go this long without blood? Alex never came back and thanks to the window in the cell I could tell about two days have gone by. Blake never came back down either and that made me worry even more. I closed my eyes and curled up a little while resting one arm under my head.

Suddenly in the distance I could faintly hear some commotion going on, but I was too tired to move or even try to listen harder. It was probably Blake yelling at his so called army again anyways. I didn't understand why they even listen to that man; he doesn't care about them and they know it. Of course, Alex does care for them and I can tell that they care for him as well. I opened my eyes a little to look at the opened door to my cell.

"Why Chloe?" he asked his eyes full of pain, "why him? Didn't you promise me that we'd be together? You told me that we would be family and I promised you that I would always protect you. I searched for you for years and I never forgot the promises we made each other. Was I really not important to you?"

Alex's words floated to my mind when I thought about the last time I saw him. What promise? I don't remember making any promises to anyone. Nick was probably the first person that I would ever make a promise with; but Alex? Who is he? I closed my eyes again and tried to think.

"Stay behind me Chloe!" a distant foggy memory suddenly sprung into my head. It was then I remembered my third foster family; there was also a boy there with me. I sat up and leaned against the wall and stared out the window at the sparkling stars. My memory started to become clearer.

My third foster family; I was eight years old at the time. I remember now there was also a young boy there who was two years older than me. The boy's black hair was messy and always hung over his brown eyes.

Was that Alex?

Just as my memories started to become clearer I was snapped out of my thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Chloe!" strong arms lifted me up bridal style and my eyes were staring into Demetri's red worried eyes. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest.

Thank God...

Author's note:

Sorry it took so long to update and that's it's not very long I hit a writer's block with this one.

Also I'm probably going to make the most of next chapter about Chloe's past.

Again so sorry for not updating but thanks for continuing to follow J

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