Chapter 28: For Demetri's Sake

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Chapter 28: For Demetri's Sake

(Chloe's POV)

After a day at sea we finally reached a private island with a huge house in the center. Blake showed me to my room before leaving me alone. I let out a long sigh before falling onto the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"What now?" I muttered to myself.

"We could go for a walk." I jumped at the voice and looked at the window to see Alex leaning against the doorframe.

"No thanks." I replied flatly and he smiled unfazed by my attitude.

"Come on it'll be good for you." Before I could react he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. We were walking along a path that circled the island when I finally spoke.

"You can let go now." I said referring to his hand that still held onto mine.

"Sorry no can do," he replied with a smile, "have to make sure you stay with me."

"Right." I muttered while looking away. We walked in silence for a while when I finally decided if I could get information out of this guy.

"So when does Blake plan on attacking the Volturi?" I asked casually and he shrugged.

"Not for a while," he replied, "you need an army to attack them and that takes time to create and train." My heart fell at his words. I had hoped he planned on attacking sooner so I could be with Demetri again, but I guess Blake is a lot smarter than I thought.

"Oh." I muttered and he smiled down at me.

"Gives us a lot of time to get to know each other!" he beamed and I sighed deeply.

"Ok," Alex said walking into my room a few weeks later, "let's train your gift some more." He placed a tone of card and bored games on my coffee table and sat down cross-legged

"Again?" I complained, "don't I get a break?" he laughed while opening a game.

"Nope," he replied with a smile at me, "but hay it gets us out of physical training!" I let out a small giggle before sitting across from him.

"I guess it does." I replied and for the rest of the day we played games and talked about random topics.


I sat on the window ledge looking out at the sun set. I've been on this island for four months now and have learned a lot about my gift. I also learned that I hate Blake more than I thought I would. He's cruel, rude, and doesn't care about anything but power.

Alex on the other hand is the only person here that keeps me sane. He listens to me talk and complain about Blake. He's also comforted me when I become very depressed due to missing Demetri; but most of all he's stood up for me and protected me from Blake.

Sighing I looked out at the setting sun wondering what the Volturi and Demetri were doing now. A couple months ago I learned from Alex that the Volturi have back off on finding Blake. This brought me great relief as well as sadness. From that point on I've been wondering if Demetri still cares for me or if he and the Volturi are even worried. Do they think I betrayed them? It'd make sense if they thought that since I left without explaining why.

"What's with the long face?" I looked behind me to see Alex standing there smiling holding two glasses of blood; however, what caught my attention was that they were in wine glasses.

"Why the fancy glasses?" I asked and he gave his usual smile.

"Well it's Christmas eve duh!" he replied handing me a glass, "Even vampires can celebrate Christmas." I smiled up at him and for the rest of the night we watched Christmas movies and made fun of the horrible acting in some of them.

(Heidi's POV)

"Why the hell are we just waiting around!" Demetri yelled while slamming his fist into the brick wall next to my room door.

"Demetri," I said while standing up from my couch, "calm down breaking the wall won't solve anything."

"And waiting around will!" he growled back at me his eyes black from hunger and anger.

"Demetri Raven has suggested this; we must trust that she's seen something and we will act when the ancients believe it's the right time."

"I can't just abandon my mate!" he yelled.

"Chloe chose to leave!" I yelled back and we both froze in place.

"Heidi you don't really believe-" he whispered not able to finish his sentence.

"That she betrayed us." I replied and he clenched his fists, "I don't know what to believe Demetri." I replied truthfully and he growled then stormed out of the room.

"If no one else will help me then I'll find her myself!" I heard him growl and ran after him.

"Demetri you can't!" I grabbed his arm to stop him and Felix, Alec, and Jane appeared as well to help.

"Demetri just calm down this might be for the best." Felix said while placing a restraining hand on Demetri's shoulder.

"For the best?!" he growled at his best friend making Felix take a step back, "Chloe being in danger is not for the best!"

"Demetri that's enough," Jane hissed, "remember your position as an elite guard. You can't go losing your temper and seek out a fight for some girl."

"Chloe isn't some girl!" he growled at Jane and Alec moved to stand protectively in front of Jane.

"That's enough Demetri." Alec said in a calm warning tone and Demetri growled.

"Enough." We all looked behind us at the calm voice to see Raven walking towards us wearing her black renaissance dress.

"Demetri calm down this is for the best. Just focus on your duties and let my father and uncles handle this." Demetri glared for a second but his gaze softened when she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"This is her choice Demetri," Raven said softly, "this is her journey you cannot help her, but you can support her."

"How?" he whispered.

"By having faith in her," Raven smiled and touched the corner of one of his eyes, "and keep yourself healthy and strong." Demetri looked at the ground before walking off and shutting himself in his room. There was a tense silence between us before Alec broke it.

"Raven where are your shoes?" he asked in a slightly scolding tone and Raven looked at her bare feet then flashed Alec an 'I'm innocent smile.'

"Oh those things," she said innocently "I threw them away." Alec narrowed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"Child." He muttered and she pouted as a response. I sighed and looked at Demetri's room door.

'Come back to us soon Chloe,' I thought, 'for Demetri's sake.'

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