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The thunder became louder as the rain hit the windows harder. The worst part of tonight was that I was home alone.

As lightning shot across the sky I coward under a pillow while lying on the couch. Mom and dad don't like to leave me alone because I'm only five years old. However; they had to leave because of an important conference. Mom said the babysitter would be here within the hours, but right after they left; the storm hit. It's been hours and my parents or babysitter hasn't come home. A knock at the front door made me jump up and run to the door.

'The babysitter is here,' I thought smiling and opening the door. When I opened it there was a cop standing outside instead of the babysitter.

"Hello," he said, "may I speak to the adult in charge?" he asked.

"No one's watching me." I said scared of the stranger even though he was a cop.

"No one's watching you?" he asked surprised. I nodded starting to close the door.

"I'm sorry," I said, "but you'll have to come back when mom and dad come home."

His eyes widened, "are you Chloe?"


He knelt down to my level and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Chloe," he said softly, "I'm afraid your parents are not coming home."

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