Chapter 21: Watching Me

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Chapter 21: Watching Me

(Chloe's POV)

I tried to sit up on the bed in the room I shared with Demetri. After Aro walked out of lounge where I was in with the girls, Demetri carried me back to our room and made me lay down.

"Just rest Chloe." He said while sitting next to me looking concerned.

"I'm fine Demetri," I said, "let me get up." He paused but let me sit up; however, he refused to let me stand.

"Chloe you almost passed out." He said looking worried.

"Vampires don't pass out." I replied.

"Exactly," he said, "what happened?"

"I already told you," I huffed, "I was thinking about that unknown vampire then I got light headed. A picture of a man came to my mind along with some place that I didn't recognize."

"Could you draw the place?" he asked and I nodded. He handed me one of my sketch pads and I quickly drew the house that I saw. I noticed Alec walk in while I finished up my sketch and it didn't escape my notice when he froze in place.

"What's wrong Alec?" Demetri asked and I looked up at Alec who looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"My father's house." He said then quickly walked out and I shared a confused look with Demetri.

"We never destroyed the town Alec," Aro said as we stood in the throne room, "just the people. Over time it was destroyed, but archeologists rebuilt it a few years ago."

"I heard it's a huge tourist spot now," Marcus said and Alec and Jane held unreadable expressions.

"That aside," Aro said, "it's clear that the town has some link to the man Chloe saw." He looked at Demetri and me.

"I want Alec and Chloe to pay a visit to the town to see if Chloe can get anymore of her feelings."

"I will go with her." Demetri said probably noticing Alec's hands clench into fists.

"No," Aro said, "I have something else I need you, Felix, and Jane to do." Demetri sighed and nodded.

I sat on the plane in first class next to Alec. He sat by the window and I was sitting in the seat by the hall. He hasn't spoken since we left the castle and I could tell he didn't want to be going on this trip.

"Are you here for the tour?" the ticked lady asked as we walked up to the entrance of the town.

"Yes." Alec responded. The lady nodded and put wrist bands on each of us.

"The tour group gathers over there," she said, "your tour will start in a few minutes."

"Thank you." I smiled while Alec walked off. I stood next to Alec as we waited for the tour to start of his old home. I really wish I knew what to say right now.

"Are you two a couple?" a guy asked walking up to us. He looked to be around nineteen years old.

What? I looked at Alec for help.

"Yes." Alec said flatly and wrapped his arm around my waist and I held back a yelp. The guy looked upset as he walked away.

"Just play along." Alec said flatly when I looked up at him. I nodded and looked down at the ground.

"Good afternoon everyone." The tour guide said walking up to the front of the group, "I hope you are all enjoying this warm cloudy day. My name is Lilly and I'll be your tour guide today. Let's get started." She walked off and everyone followed, but Alec made us wait so we could be at the back of the group. At this point he had moved his hand from my waist and held my hand in his.

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