Chapter 7: Talking to Chloe

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Chapter 7: Talking to Chloe

(Chloe's POV)

When everyone reached Raven's room, Felix was lying on the ground with his arms torn off. Demerti ran out the window followed by Jane, Afton, and Santiago.

"What happened?!" Caius asked panicked, "where's my daughter Felix?" I stood there stunned. That girl was Caius's daughter?

"I'm not sure master," Felix said in clear pain, "one second I'm talking to Raven, the next someone is attacking me." Caius growled loudly and I jumped a little startled.

"Calm down brother," Aro said placing a hand on Caius's shoulder. Caius stopped growling, but he didn't relax.

"Chloe," Aro said looking at me, "can you help Chelsea take Felix to the infirmary?" I nodded and helped Felix walk out while Chelsea grabbed his arms.

"Damn it," Felix muttered as Chelsea helped attach his arms.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked.

"What happened?" a guy asked walking up to us.

"Someone kidnapped Raven." Felix muttered looking upset.

"What?!" the guy hissed, "why weren't you watching her?"

"I was John." Felix replied, "someone took me by surprise." I stood there as they argued. Eventually Chelsea yelled at them and they shut up immediately.

(Demetri's POV)

"There's nothing else we can do Jane." I said after we killed our attackers. We were in Rome and we almost caught up with Raven and her kidnappers when we were ambushed.

"We could go after them." She hissed annoyed.

"We lost them," I replied, "and for some reason I can't track Raven anymore."

"So what now?" Santiago asked patting Jane's shoulder.

"We go back and tell Aro what happened." Afton said and I agreed.

When we reported to the Ancients, Caius was beyond pissed. It took Aro and Marcus several minutes to calm him down. Aro then decided it would be best to let Alec out of the dungeons. He also decided that the only thing we could do was wait.

I walked down the hall extremely upset that I let Raven's kidnappers get away. I was so distracted with my thoughts that I ran into someone. I looked down and saw Chloe lying on the ground looking a little stunned.

"Chloe," I said helping her up, "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention."

"It's fine," she replied smiling a little, "did you find Raven?"

"No." I replied upset.

"Oh," she muttered, "is there anything I can do?" I looked at her for a moment and she played with her hair.

"How about you join me in the library." I said liking her arm though mine.

"Ok." She said a little surprised as we walked to the library.

"What do you do to relax?" I asked her as we sat on a couch in the Library

"I draw." She replied fiddling with her hair. I sighed and grabbed her hand to make her stop.

"Why do you always play with your hair?" I asked still holding her hand.

"I guess it's just a habit." She said shrugging, "what do you do to relax?"

"I spend time in my room." I replied. I decided to leave out that I have sex with Heidi; probably not the thing you want to bring up in a conversation.

"Fun." She said and I smirked. For the next hour I told her about what Athens was like when I was human. When she mentioned that she was in the foster system, something in my head clicked.

"Were you the girl I met on the bus?" I asked looking at her.

She nodded, "thank you, by the way, for helping me."

"You never told me why you ran away." I said looking at her.

"It's a long story." She replied not looking at me.

"Start from the beginning." I suggested.

"I really don't like to talk about it." She said placing her hands in her lap. I let the topic go for now. I learned her favorite book is the Harry Potter series. Her favorite movie is A Walk to Remember and her favorite TV show is Psych.

"So why don't you like to talk about your child hood?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"You just won't let that go." She said.

"I'd just like to know." I replied looking at her and she stood up quickly.

"Sir," she said annoyed, "I really appreciate you helping me when I was human, but I would also appreciate you stop asking me about my personal life."

"I didn't mean to offend," I said standing up as well, "I was just-"

"Wondering," she said cutting me off, "well please stop wondering about my life." She stepped back and bowed a little, just like all the lower guards have to do to the elite guards. "I have to leave Master Demetri." She said then quickly walked out of the library.

"I hate being called master." I muttered sitting back down.

"You sure know how to piss off women." Heidi said sitting by me.

"Excuse me?" I asked looking at her.

"That lower guard girl who stomped out of here looking upset," she said, "it doesn't take a genius to see that you pissed her off."

"I was just asking her questions." I muttered and she rolled her eyes.

"You do that a lot." She said.

"Do what?"

"Ask too many questions." She said straddling me.

"What's wrong with questions?" I asked. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned into me.

"There's no action in questions." She said and I smiled pushing her into the sofa.

"Sure there is," I smirked moving her dress up while parting her legs, "for example, what do you want form me Heidi?"

She rolled her eyes, "nothing really," she said, "you just looked upset when you left the throne room. I wanted to make sure that you were ok."

"I'm really pissed because those vampire got away with Raven." I admitted and she sighed. Before she could answer I kissed her and she unbuttoned my shirt.

"You should get angry more often." Heidi said as we laid on the floor by the fireplace. I sighed and she kissed my cheek.

"We'll find her Demetri." She said as we dressed.

"I hope so." I muttered.

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