Chapter 5: I'm Bored

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Chapter 5: I'm Bored

(Chloe's POV)

I was lying on the couch flipping through TV channels. It's been four years since Athena turned m. I surprised them because from the moment I woke up I had excellent control over my thirst. I would still have the usual newborn anger outbursts, but nothing else. After I was turned, Damien told me about covens around the world; including the Volturi.

We continued to live in Athens, but I wasn't allowed to leave the house because people knew me more than Athena and Damien. I stayed in touch with Nick for a couple years, but eventually we lost contact.

"I'm really bored," I complained knowing Athena and Damien could hear me.

"How about we play a game." Athena said from behind me.

"We always play games." I sighed playing with my blonde hair playing with my blonde hair, "I want to go somewhere; make some new friends." Athena sighed and patted my head.

"You just have a lot to learn," Athena said.

"What's going on?" Damien asked walking up to us.

"Chloe is bored again," Athena replied and I blew a strand of hair out of my face.

"Well," Damien said, "would you like me to call the Volturi? I'm sure they'll keep you busy."

"If they don't mind." I replied looking at him.

"They're always accepting people into their coven," Damien said, "they could always use the help."

"You won't mind me going?" I asked looking at Athena who smiled.

"It's fine as long as you keep in touch."

(Demetri's POV)

I was wondering down the castle extremely bored. When I looked up I saw Heidi ahead of me walking down the hall. I quickly ran up to her and grabbed her waist.

"I'm bored." I said in her ear.

"And I'm busy." She replied freeing herself from my hold and I pouted.

"With what?"

"There's a new member of the guard coming today. It's that girl form the coven in Athens. You're supposed to be her mentor."

"Oh ya..." I said, "I gave Afton that job because he needed something to do."

"Of course you did," Heidi said rolling her eyes. We walked to the front entrance and when we got there the girl was standing there with a small bag.

"You must be Chloe." Heidi said walking up to her, "I'm Heidi and this is Demetri."

"Nice to meet you." Chloe smiled shaking Heidi's hand.

"I'll show you to your room and your mentor will come by later."

"Ok, thank you." Chloe said following Heidi down the hall while I watched them. I wondered why the girl came here. Alec walked into the castle then looking very annoyed.

"Having trouble finding that imaginary woman Alec?" I teased walking next to him.

"I didn't imagine her," he hissed at me. A few days ago Alec told the elite guard about some woman he met in the private garden. I would've believed him, but since I've never seen or heard of her; I didn't.

"Come on kid," I said, "you have to admit she sounds unreal."

"She does," he admitted, "but I know she's real and I'm going to prove it."

"Have fun with that." I muttered wishing I had something to do.

"Aw did Heidi leave you again." He teased.

"She can't break up with me when we were never together."

"If you're really bored there's always humans." He said smirking and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not that bored," I said, "yet."

"Demetri," Felix said walking up to us, "Aro needs you to escorted his wife to Caius's wing."

"Ok," I replied then turned to Alec, "good luck with your imaginary friend." I smiled and he growled.

When I reached Caius's wing with Aro's wife I picked up the faint smell of cherry blossoms.

Ok, so maybe Alec wasn't imagining that girl...

(Chloe's POV)

"Who's my mentor?" I asked walking with Heidi.

"Well it was supposed to be Demetri," she said, "but I guess he gave the job to Afton."

"Oh," was all I said. Part of me wished that Demetri would be my mentor, but the other part was happy he wouldn't be.

"So why did you come here?" Heidi asked.

"I just need something to do." I replied and we stopped in front of a door.

"Well you'll have plenty to do here," Heidi said, "this is your room. Afton, your mentor, will be here later."

"Thank you." I said and she nodded walking away.

"Are you Chloe?" A tall man asked when I opened my room door.

"Yes," I replied, "who are you?"

"I'm Afton." He smiled.

"Oh, Hi." I said feeling stupid.

"The Cullen coven is in the castle right now and I thought I'd introduce you to them." He said. Athena told me about the Cullens and their half breed child. I've always wanted to meet them because I was curious.

"Sound good." I replied then followed him down the hall. On our way there I learned that he is Chelsea's mate and she is the reason why he has a place in the guard. When we walked into a room two vampires that looked related looked at Afton then me.

"Jane, Alec." Afton said nodding at the twins I've heard so much about, "this is our new member Chloe." They both looked at me, more like glared, then looked away without saying anything.

"Hello Carlisle," Afton said walking up to a vampire with blonde hair, "this is Chloe our new member."

"Hello," Carlisle smiled warmly at me and I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand. Carlisle and Afton talked for a few minutes while I stood off to the side. I glanced at the twins and they looked like they we ready to kill something. I got the feeling that they really don't like the Cullens.

Eventually we left and Afton took me to the library in Marcus's wing. For the next few hours he told me about the Volturi and their history. He told me about each of the elite guards and how they got their spots in the elite guard. The first thing Afton said was 'stay away from Alec and Jane.' So I'm assuming they don't like people.

"Who's this Afton?" A short girl with black hair asked walking into the library.

"This is Chloe a new member," he responded, "Chloe this is Renata, Aro's personal guard."

"Hi." I smiled and she nodded.

"Demetri is looking for you Afton, " she said, "I'll stay with Chloe until you get back."

"Ok." He said standing up, "I'll be back in a few minutes Chloe." He said then walked away. While Afton was gone Renata and I sat there talking about random things.

(Demetri's POV)

"Sorry Demetri," Afton said, "but I actually like being Chloe's mentor; she's really smart so it makes teaching her easier."

"I was supposed to be her mentor until you asked me for something to do." I said

"And now I have something to do," he smiled, "what's with your sudden interest in her?"

I shrugged, "I'm just curious about her that's all."

"well you can still talk to her, but I'm going to continue to be her mentor.'

"Why?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Because I like to annoy you." He replied then walked away.

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