Chapter 12: Nick part one

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Chapter 12: Nick part one

(Demetri's POV)

I laid down on my bed when I got back from tracking down that newborn army. We never found the creator and none of the newborns knew who turned them. I found this to be very strange because with army that size, one newborn would know who turned them. I sighed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Chloe has only been gone for a week, but it feels like it has been a hundred years. I stepped out of the shower and, after getting dressed, I grabbed my cell phone only to see that I had five missed calls from Peter. I panicked and quickly called him back.

"Finally," Peter's voice sounded on the other line, "I was beginning to think that you were dead."

"What's going on?" I demanded, "is Chloe ok?"

"She's fine," he paused for several seconds before continuing, "did she ever talk about a guy named Nick?" he asked I was taken aback.

"Yes," I finally said, "he was her friend when she was human. Chloe told me that he moved to Paris a few months after she was turned. Why?"

"Well he's not human anymore and he showed up a couple days ago. Him and Chloe have been hanging out and 'catching up,' since he got here." I just barely held back a growl.

"Why is he there?" I hissed trying to remind myself that he was just her friend.

"Don't know," he said then paused again, "hold on let me get out of hearing range." I heard him running then a minute later he stopped.

"What's going on?" I asked and he sighed.

"Listen I don't want to worry just yet," he said, "but I can't get a feeling on this kid. I can't decided if he's dangerous or not."

"I'm coming over." I said quickly and he protested.

"Just stay there Demetri," he said, "I won't let them out of my sight and I'll keep you updated. Also don't let her know that I told you, I'm sure she'll tell you when she's ready."

"Just keep me updated." I muttered and hung up. It worried my that Peter couldn't get a feeling on this guy, so I went to the one person that could help.

"Raven, Alec." I said knocking on Raven's door, "can I come in?" I heard Alec growl and Raven laughed.

"Hold on," Raven said.

"Why can't he come back later?" Alec complained.

"Be nice Alec," Raven scolded and I smirked. A minute later Raven opened the door and smiled at me.

"Hello Demetri," she smiled and allowed me to enter the room. Alec was sitting on the bed with his shirt unbuttoned. He glared darkly at me and I winked at him.

"Mind telling us why you're interrupted us?" Alec hissed and I sat down on the couch.

"It's about Chloe." I said and Alec rolled his eyes.

"You're bothering us because you're having troubles with your mate." Alec growled and Raven slapped the top of his head making him cuss under his breath.

"What's wrong?" Raven asked sitting by me. I told her about Nick and my conversation with Peter.

"I was just wondering if you could tell that he's dangerous." I finished and she got blank look on her face. The look soon turned to confusion and eventually she looked at me.

"I can't tell," she muttered and Alec came to sit by her looking confused, "My vision isn't clear."

"I should go." I muttered standing up and Raven grabbed my hand.

"Peter said he will keep an eye on him, so don't worry for now." She paused, "but you might want to inform Aro about this in case you do need to leave." I nodded and left. I was half way down the hall when Alec stopped me.

"If it's really worrying you," he said, "why not call Edward? He could get some answers for you."

"I think I'll wait for now." I said with a sigh.

"Well keep me posted," he said and I stopped to look at him, "I mean if something does happen I'll help." I nodded at him then walked away.

It's only been a day since Peter called and there hasn't been any news. I was sitting in the garden trying to relax when Alec came running up to me.

"We have to get to Texas." He said grabbing me and I panicked. I didn't question him, instead I followed him as top speed.

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