She bit her lip hard, ignoring the little beads of blood that blossomed from the indents she had pressed into her lip with her teeth. Her view was blocked by the guards, she was in the dark about what was happening outside.

She was far too scared to try anything with the guards again, so she slipped her pocket mirror out of her pocket, and twisted so that her back was to the rear-view mirror. She pretended to straighten her hair, while really looking through the mirror. Her face paled, and she gulped. They had arrived.

She was led into the palace with a sack over her head, which she accepted with a scowl. As they walked, she dwelled on what was going to happen when she got there. She hoped that if she had to die they'd at least make it fast...

➵➵➵➵ ✵☽✵ ➵➵➵➵

The sack was yanked over her head quickly, and she squinted in the sudden, harsh light. She looked up, and inhaled sharply. It was Queen Maeve.

Her beauty was ethereal, and Thalia could do nothing but stammer and stutter. Her midnight blue hair was left open, softly framing her face. Her circlet dipped at her forehead, adding to her regal appearance. Her beautiful, midnight-blue dress swirled around her ankles, and her frost-blue eyes seemed to stare into Thalia's soul. Standing just behind her, stood a tall woman with a curvy figure. She had fiery red hair, which she let fall around her face, and steel gray eyes.

Her lean muscles looked intimidating. She glared at Thalia, and crossed her arms. Thalia gulped, and Queen Maeve saw and laid a hand on the girl's arm gently, whispering something softly. The fiery girl's face softened immediately, and she stood back, and didn't look at Thalia.

Queen Maeve looked curious. "Why are you here, Caspienne?" Her voice sounded like smooth, sweet honey, and yet it had a certain sharpness buried underneath, jagged edges and razor sharp points, waiting to rip you open.

Caspienne paled. "She-"

Queen Maeve interrupted. "What is her name?"

Thalia gulped. "H-hi, I'm Thalia," she said, still terrified.

Queen Maeve's eyes softened marginally. "And why are you here, dear?"

"Uh... I kinda... broke into the mainframe," she mumbled, staring intently at the ground.

Queen Maeve looked calmly over at Caspienne again. "And how did this happen?"

Caspienne looked sick. "I assigned her to Archive duties," she muttered.

Queen Maeve arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Those duties are yours, are they not?"

Caspienne nodded quickly. "Yes, Queen Maeve. It's just that there's so much-"

"I don't care how much there is, Caspienne. It's your job. You do it. Even if it takes you forever." Her voice turned cold now, and she stood, her feet hovering just above the ground, and floated over to Caspienne.

She whispered something into her ear, and Caspienne paled. "No, please, you can't do this!" She blurted, and then flinched away, immediately regretting her decision.

Maeve looked at her coldly. "Yes, I can." She said lightly, and gestured to the guards on either side of her, who dragged Caspienne away, kicking and screaming.

Thalia looked terrified, but mildly interested. She had better sense than to ask where Caspienne was being taken. She looked nervously up at Queen Maeve, wondering what was going to happen to her when the Queen decided what to do with her.

"I should chain you," she said lightly, as if debating over what path to take. "But you seem rather interesting, so, I'm prepared to come to an agreement."

All the Stars Between UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora