Out of the coma

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        They rearranged the wires and pulleys to change Heather's position from horizontal to sitting.  She now was sitting with her legs in front of her and leaning against several pillows against the head of the bed.  Her arms still in casts were suspended from wires to the fixture that was attached to the bed frame, her elbows perpendicular to her neck and forearms bent as if she were riding a bike with tall handlebars.  They added a brace to assist her holding her head up on her longish neck and they freshened all her bandages as she groaned and cried out in pain.

        The nurses were kind, gentle and understanding, doing there best to make a difficult situation easier to handle.

        "We know it hurts sweetie, we're going to get this over with as fast as we can, then we'll give you something for the pain."

        I was glad she had such excellent and caring help, I really wasn't sure what kind of assistance I could be. I stood in the corner doing my best to stay out of the way of hospital staff, feeling mostly in the way and helpless to do anything.  After they got her settled in, in what had to be the most uncomfortable she had ever been, the doctor spoke with her.  She was woozy but awake, her eyes rolling un-naturally in their sockets but the doctor was a patient man and did the best he could to let her know what was going on.

        "Hello Heather, I'm Doctor Nolan and you've been in an accident. Can you understand what I'm saying?"

        Her brow furrowed as she was thinking, there was definitely a lag between listening and understanding.  She nodded her head with what little space she had with the collar she wore.

        "Can you speak for me dear, can you say 'yes' for me?"

        She grumbled as she tried to work her vocal cords and maneuver her mouth, her eyes focussing on the doctor. Then she managed one scratchy raw whisper of a word,


         Tears welled in my eyes as I witnessed this poor young woman struggle to cooperate with these people she did not know.  

       " Can you say 'yes' Heather, do you understand you were in an accident?"

        "Yes accident PAIN HELP PLEASE PAIN"

        "I'll give you something for the pain in a moment, I needed to know if your brain was working.  You have been in an induced coma for three weeks Heather. Do you understand?"

        "Water, can I have some water please?" She was speaking a little better but the pain she was in was beneath every word she said.

        "Here are some ice chips, this will help wet your whistle some."

        Nolan gave her the ice in a dixie cup and shook a few crystals in her mouth.

        "Mmmmmmmm thank you, more."

        He gave her a few more.

        "Is there anyone you want us to call dear?" He asked

        "Turtle, where is Turtle?"

        Doctor Nolan looked around the room and asked if anybody knew who that was. He looked to me and I just shook my head and mouthed so she couldn't hear me,

        "He didn't make it, he was her boyfriend, he was the rider, he didn't make it."

        Nolan walked over to me and asked me to step outside.  

        "I'll be back in a moment Heather the nurse will give you some more ice chips."

        I followed him out the door into the lobby, he was a tall man maybe six two with graying hair and snow white sideburns, I figured he was about sixty-five or so.

        "Now what were you trying to say in there?"

        "Turtle was her boyfriend, she was the passenger on the bike.  He went through the car window and the car burst into flames.  He's dead doc, never had a chance. She probably has enough to deal with without hearing about that don't you think doc?

        " Does she have any family here?"

        "She has no family anywhere, she was abandoned as a child and was raised in group homes.  All she's got is her friends in town, guys in the bike club and me.  Dale, who was one of my best friends and used to be her boyfriend also died at the scene. She might ask for him too..."

        I started getting choked up, tears streaming down my face. Doc Nolan put his hand on my shoulder.

        "I'm sorry son, that's quite a mess now isn't it"

        I just nodded  

        "Well at least she has you, that's one good thing"

        "Yeah, I suppose, I was in that car with my two best friends and we pulled out in front of the chopper, how do I tell her that, that I survived but the people she was closest too died."

        "I don't know son, just know it will all work out somehow. These things have a way of turning out better than you think they will. OK, I'm not telling her about her friends yet, like you said she has enough on her plate. We'll wait till she is a little more awake, in the mean time you have to tell her you don't know where they are.  It will be good for her to know someone is waiting for her so you make sure she knows you will be here when she's ready to go home.  Alright, son, I'm appointing you her best friend for now, can you handle that?

        'Yes sir, I can"

        With that, we returned to the room. 

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