The Miner

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Meanwhile, Danny and Michelle were waiting at the kitchen table unawares of what they were doing in the library. Though Danny had known Jimmy for many a year, this was the first time he had actually been invited into his home. He understood this was a most important situation and there must be more to what was going on with Merrill than he expected. He met the old man one late night in the canyon when he had car trouble, Jimmy being the helpful type had pulled over on his old motorcycle to see if he could be of assistance as Danny was just staring under the hood of his car not knowing the first thing about engines.

Jimmy had tools, a flashlight, and a comprehensive knowledge of mechanics. That night, in his world war two bomber jacket, leather helmet, gloves, and dark glasses he didn't seem all that unusual. He found the problem straight away, a loose cable to the starter motor had caused a disruption to the charging system and disconnected power to the car. He tightened up the loose cable and it started right up. 

He asked Danny if he wanted to party and he followed him down to Freeloader Falls. This was not far from where years later, his friends would have the fatal crash that brought them here tonight. They smoked a little Thai Stick sitting next to the wash, on a boulder when the old man offered up one of his psychedelic concoctions. It was in an old tin snuff box,

 "Just take a pinch, like if you were gonna take some chaw to stuff in your cheek," He drawled in that pseudo-southern accent of his. "and let it dissolve under your tongue."

'What is this stuff?" Danny asked, having never seen anything like it before.

" You don't seem to be the kind of fella who worries too much about that, just give'er a try son."

That was the beginning of their relationship and the mysteries that went along with it.

"So, have you ever heard the legend of the miner in the canyon?"  He asked Michelle, who's eyes were wandering around the room as she sipped her herbal tea from a Blue Willow cup.

"Sure, who hasn't?" She replied.

Danny stuck a thumb out in the direction of the room the guys went to, and wobbled it on the end of his wrist, raising his eyebrows. She furrowed her brow, not knowing what he was implying, glancing in the direction he intended, looking back at Danny.

She whispered, "Jimmy?"

Danny nodded in affirmation.

"No way." she said a little louder than she wanted and raised her hand to her funny shaped lips.

"Jimmy's the miner?" She whispered quieter this time. "No fuck'n way!"

"Yes fuck'n way," Replied Danny

"Look behind you on that back kitchen wall." She turned to see what he was talking about. "See those newspaper clippings all pasted up like wallpaper?" 

She nodded, on that dimly lit wall was about a hundred clippings. She got up to take a closer look as she couldn't really believe what she was looking at. Danny followed behind her bringing a candle that was burning on the table. The closer they got to the wall the more apparent it became. The clippings,  too numerous to count, varied in size and yellowing. Some of them were as far back as the 1850's while others were as current as last month, all having one thing in common.

"Oh, my GAWD!" Michelle said, "I always thought it was just an old story people told by the campfire to scare little children."

"That's what I used to think," Replied Danny, "I figured it out some while ago but I had no idea it had been going on this long." 

There were several bigger clips that were almost half a page, "Canyon Miner spotted near Vogle Flats." That was the 1892 Record Ledger.

"That must have been Jimmy's great-grandfather, I didn't know the Record Ledger had been around that long," Michelle said in amazement!

"I knew it was old but not that old. I wonder just how long that old legend has been going? Maybe we can get Jimmy to tell us the whole story, it must be fascinating." Wondered Danny.

Danny moved the candle around the wall, the shadows, aroma, and flickering of the flame lent a magic to the wall as they both read aloud the many articles.

"Miner seen in the moonlight carrying a gas lamp"

"Miner suspected in case of animal mutilations."

"Couple found, throats slit in car, some say Miner involved."

"Ghostly image of Miner seen near old mine."

Some had drawings of what some artist thought The Miner looked like above the articles. There were several that told the myth of the Miner, all called him a ghostly figure, some said monster, some said mystery and all of them had differing details. They heard the door open down the hall and scurried back to the table, lighting cigarettes and trying to look casual before Merrill and Jimmy came in.  

"So, would you like some more tea everybody?"   

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