-the prince and the baby bird.

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title; the prince and the baby bird

author; Linn_Linn

chapters; 75/75

words; 210000+


Jimin lives with Jin, and together with Namjoon the three of them use to spend their Saturday nights in Yoongi's kitchen as they are too shy to actually join the parties taking place in the living room.

Jimin wants a boyfriend, a prince, who can take care of him with soft hands and loving words.

Being pinned against the wall by bad boy Jungkook wasn't exactly what he had in mind.


”What’s your name, baby bird?” Kookie asked and leaned back to give the blonde space.

JiminJimin answered a little out of breath, ”You promised to let me go.”

Kookie laughed quietly and showed his hands, ”I’m not the one keeping you.”

Jimin could feel his cheeks heat up but he refused to let Kookie know, so he ducked his head and hurried back to the kitchen with the lingering feeling of the other’s lips against his neck.



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