-hold me tight or i'll melt.

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title; hold me tight or i'll melt

author; gomehnasai

chapters; 2/2

words; 6000+


He looks away. All he feels is fondness, old affection for the prince he guards. He has repeated this to himself several times that evening, whenever he chanced upon exchanging glances with the prince. He said this to himself when his heart lurched forward, twinging painfully in his chest, when it did anything but act normal when he caught sight of Prince Jeongguk. Affection. Adoration. All of these words seem to materialize in his mind, melting together when he is alone with his thoughts, his swirling thoughts that are never up to any good. But tonight, the heartbeat is relentless. It wont leave him alone. Jimin knows, better than anyone else, that he won’t be able to escape Jeongguk’s games tonight. Being by Jeongguk’s side for nearly a decade, and being his secret lover for a mere month has taught Jimin many useless things about Jeongguk. One of them being that when Jeongguk was aroused, or wanted to be the cause of Jimin’s arousal, he took care of it immediately.

Royalty au, prince Jk has some special plans for Jm after a ball ;)



 『iii』 j i k o o k ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon