-bed of blood.

89 3 1


title; bed of blood

author; MyHope (CutesyMe)

words; 17000+


Jungkook chuckles humourlessly, the air around them turning cold. “It’s not your choice. We may have a connection now that you’re carrying my son but he’s my priority, and I’m willing to do anything for him. You have to give birth to this child.”

All Jimin expected from a one-night stand is good sex. Okay. More than that. Outstanding sex. Sex that he’ll remember for a lifetime, that will make him limp and feel the pain for at least the next twenty-four hours. And obviously he expected the sex to be with a man handsome enough to steal his breath. Both of these things he got from his last one-night stand, which made the sex quite memorable. What he did not expect from a one-night stand is to get pregnant, and on top of it to carry a demon's child.



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