Chapter twenty five

Comincia dall'inizio

"I need more daisy leaves." She meowed suddenly. "Take Sagepaw and get some."

Hawk blinked, puzzled. "What?"

"Are you deaf?" She snapped. "Daisy leaves. You should know what they look like. They grow near The River Runners border. Go on." She added when Hawk made no movement. "Sagepaw! Peak!" She prodded the two.

Peak woke with a start. Guilt was written all over his face as he scrambled to stand. Sagepaw lifted her head and yawned. Glancing around her.

"You and Hawk are going to get daisy leaves." She mewed tartly. Her words were quick and sharp, different from when Hawk had first arrived in the rouge camp.

"Okay." Sagepaw rose to her paws, give her pelt a quick shake. Peak sat with his paws and tail tucked in tightly, his head stayed glued to the ground.
Hawk padded away from the healers, Sagepaw close behind him.

"What were you doing in the Healer's den? Are you okay?" Hawk mewed as they left The Forgotten clearing.

Sagepaw sucked her head slightly. "Oh. . . Yes I'm fine." She smiled at him.

Hawk ducked under a low branch, pondering what she said. He stopped suddenly. "You're in love with Peak!" His voice cracked.

"Not so loud!" Sagepaw hissed, glancing around them. "It's not like that. Entirely. ." Her voice trailed off.

"But he's a healer." Hawk protested.

"So? I haven't heard anyone say medicine cats and healers have the same codes." She mewed wandering off towards the border.
Hawk flicked his ear. She wasn't wrong. As far as he knew no one had said anything about healers not having mates.

"What do you think my warrior name would have been?" Sagepaw asked suddenly. Her eyes shimmered as she mentioned what her name might be.

"I dunno. ." Hawk felt pity for her. She had been raised with Shadowclan. She still longed for a warrior name, and he couldn't blame her. "Maybe. . Sageclaw. Or Sagewing."

"Sagewing?" She mewed. "Do you think I'll fly away?" She purred and nudged him playfully. Hawk smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Okay then, what do you think?"

Sagepaw narrowed her eyes in thought. "Sagerain." She mewed. "After Skyrain."
Hawk's heart hurt suddenly. He remembered Skyrain perfectly. She was the nicest to him.

"Or Sagesky." He added.

Sagepaw nodded. "That to." She replied. She dropped down from the log they were walking on. "What about you? What would your warrior name have been?"

Hawk paused. He had never imagined himself as a Shadowclan warrior since he was a kit. He didn't share the same longing for a warrior name as his sister did. "I dunno, never thought about it."

"Maybe Hawkwing. Or Hawksong. . Or Hawkeyes! That one definitely!" Hawk looked at her questionably. "You know. . For your eyes." She mewed cautiously.
Hawk blinked at her suddenly remembering. He had forgotten all about his eyes, the whole reason everyone rejected him. The whole reason he was here.

"Surely he must have a disease." Snowfur hissed to Lionfur. "Why else would his eyes be like that?"
Lionfur nodded, shifting further away from Hawkkit. He sat sunbathing a few paw-steps away, and heard every word. He knew they weren't trying to hide it. They wanted him to hear what they had to say.

"He's not diseased you stupid fur balls!" Lostear glared at them. "He's as normal as you two!" Snowfur and Lionfur glanced at eachother, before strolling away.

For moons Hawk wondered what was so wrong with him that he couldn't be loved by his own mother and clan.
"Sagepaw." He meowed. She stopped, looking back at him and titling her head. "We should find our father."

Her eyes widened. "But where? Where would we start? How would we start?"

"Poppytail said he was in Thunderclan." He replied. Sagepaw nodded considering the idea.

"It would be nice to meet him. But what if he rejects us? Or doesn't believe us?" She mewed, her tail dropping at the thought of another awful parent.

Hawk reached out and put his tail on her reassuringly. "Even if he decides to be a fox-heart, we still have eachother."

Sagepaw looked up at him. "Those cats are lucky to have you Hawk. You'll be a great leader."

Hawk wished he could believe that. He nudged her. "What about you? I bet you'd be great at it to."

Sagepaw tilted her head. "Maybe. ." She lifted a paw over the thorn vine on the ground. She turned back to him. "And you know, Hawk. . . Your eyes aren't weird. They define you, and maybe Startclan gave you then for a reason."

Hawk flicked his tail. "I suppose if I didn't have them I wouldn't be here. I'd be with Shadowclan."

"Exactly! Now, let's get these daisy leaves and go back!"

Warriors: the forgotten hearts: trail of pain (book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora