Chapter.13 - All I want is too see you smile -

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13. - All I want is too see you smile -

- Ji-na, please wait a minute, Woo-hyun whispered. It had taken him a lot of courage to finaly speak up, she silently turned around revielding to him, her own insecurity. - What I'm trying to say is that.. I, he muttered clumsily, still not being sure. Before him she stood, calming him with her soothing smile, - Tell me Oppa!. He had trying to charm her by being a gentleman, offering himself to follow her home. Jindo had been taking a night shift at work, and because of that it was allready midnight.

- I'm trying to say, Ji-na, that I.. I realy like you, he muttered walking a step closer to her. The streetlights seemingly made her glow, and so was the moonlight. - No, actually, I realy realy like you. He heavily blushed and looked down, loosing his bad boy attitude within minutes. Now he was vulnerable, just like her. She was actually scared now, scared to let herself open for someone once again. The first time, with that douchebag Kang Sang-woo, she got realy hurt. The next time after that again, with Hyuk-ji, and then again after that her heart got stolen by Tae-min.

So she started crying naturally, feeling so confused. Not sure what to do, Woo-hyun quickly got closer and hugged her tightly, - please dont cry Ji-na, I only want you to be happy! A smile appeared on her lips, while she cried into his arms. - I know that Oppa, sorry for making you worry, she tried to laugh it of while sniffing a little. She looked up at him assuring that she was okay by a thankfull smile, - It's just that, I think I need a little time to think.

And so she did, all the time. Worrying about everyone, even about the selfish me. Later she made up her mind, and they started dating. I swear I have never ever, seen Woo-hyun smiling so much. He was treating her like some princess, and seemingly spent more and more time at the apartment. I was very relieved, thinking this would last. I let them have their privacy, and spent time with Hyuk-shi instead since Ri-seung had not gotten home from the tour yet.

Those where happy times, thinking back at it today I wish I had appreaciated it more than I did. Cause nothing lasts forever, nothing at all. For as the Trapnest's tour was coming towards an end Ji-na suddenly fell ill. - It's probably just an normal flu, she tryed to calm us. But something was different, it was pretty much the turning point in our lives. We who had lived our lives on roses, believing we did not have more than succes & hapiness before us.

After seeing the doctor, she got back home. She took up her phone, with shaking hands calling Tae-min. - Yeoboseyo?.. Ji-na?, his husky voice said trough the phone. He could hear her crying, he knew something was wrong. - You know this is difficult, I dont know what to do and I'm so scared, she cried, he remained silent on the other end haunted by her voice. - ... I'm pregnant.

It turned out like that. When I first hear about it, I got trouble breathing. She was three months on her way, and the question of who the father was haunted as all, espeacilly Woo-hyun. It was an difficult matter, shortly said. She locked herself into the bathroom crying her heart out after seeing what the pregnancy test was showing. Not because she did not want the child, but because she knew she would be left alone to live a lonely life.

Tae-min then went straight back to Seoul, on the first plane he could reach. He stormed up all the seven stairs, and got into the apartment. Into Jindo's room, where she was laying burying her face in the pillow. -  ohh.. Ji-na, he whispered, - what am I gonna do for you? He calmly sat down by the side of the bed, stroking over her hair. - Even as an adult, your still so hopeless.. Not eating enough, crying too much and everything. She looked up at him teary eyed. - What should I do?, he whisperd soothing.

- I'm sorry, she whimpered, as if it was all her fault. He whispered soothing words, bending down to lightly kiss her forehead. - Ive missed you so much. Picking up the phone laying on the night-table he went trough the contacts, stopping at Woo-hyun's number. He got up from the bed and started calling him, - what are you doing? Jindo cried getting up to stop him. Tae-min walked further out of the room, turning around looking at her before he closed the door, - I'm telling your boyfriend, he said looking at her coldly yet pityfull. 

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