Chapter.14 - Shattered like broken glass -

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- Yeoboseyo?, Woo-hyun imedately picked up the phone when he saw that Jindo was calling him. He was walking by my side at the moment as we had just finished several hours of band rehearsal, that look on his face when he heard who it was I will always remember. I did not know what was going on, all I saw was how he froze as he listened to what Taemin was saying. He had told him how it was, that Jindo was allready three months on the way, and that he would take care of her from now on.
Then he just hanged up, when Woo-hyun demanded to speak with Jindo. He was awfully pale when he looked at me with teary eyes, - what's going on?, I exclaimed as I knew whatever it was meant trouble. - Jina.. she's pregnant, he whispered with clenched fists. Not because it was any trouble with that, but because this meant rivalry against Taemin. He knew well how he was loosing her in that very moment, after all the happy times they had spendt together as close friends.
- What?!, I gasped after air, it was scary. I was not there for here, and she was alone and sad. We all knew Woo-hyun was not the father, they had not managed to be together for that long yet. As we hurried away to the apartment, all I could think of was how I once again had lost someone I cared for to Trapnest.
Jindo was crying, pounding on the door till she gave up heartwrenched. She heard how simple Taemin had put it too Woohyun, and felt so hopelessly lost in the moment. What would happend from now on? Thats what we all wondered and feared in our hearts as we hurried to meet each other again. Those happy carefree days were over, it was time to get serious and mature.
I ran up the endless stairs to the seventh floor of the building, ran as fast as I could with Woohyun behind me, who had seemingly allready given up. For each step I looked back at all our memories together, me and Jindo. We had meeten one day at random, faith made our friendshipp possible. She helped me overcome obstacles in my life, made my reunion to Ri-seung possible and supported me to follow my dreams.
I ripped up the door, and fell to my knees crying. She was allready long gone, Taemin had taken her with him. - Jina!, Woo-hyun shouted as he ran in besides me running into every room to look for her. Trapnest, damn it all. It always ends up stealing all my hapiness, always making me miserable in the end. - she's not here, I whispered as all the noise and obstacle Woo-hyun created made everything feel worse.
Angry and with a feeling of betreyal, I pulled myself back up from the cold ground. Cursing Woo-hyun out so I could be alone. The whole apartment felt haunted, cold and empty whitout her. On the table stood one of the strawberry patterned glasses we had once brought together. I picked it up, looking at it closely.
It was just irony that it had standed there on the table left alone. I cursed it all, why could she not have stayed? I would have helped her trough this, she did not need to go with him at all. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks, I still remember it as the only warmth left at that moment. As the glass slipped out of my weakened hands, crushing into thousends of pieces as it hitt the floor.
Meanwhile, at a luxury hotel in the center of Seoul Jindo and Taemin arrived. It was raining that night, heavily. All Jindo could do was to gaze out of the window at the rainy city view. By herself she decided it was time to make a choice, for the sake of the best of everyone. Her friends, her coming child and herself. Taemin asked her to marry him, and she said yes whitout hesistation. He was the one best positioned to take care of her and the child, besides dragging Woo-hyun into this would certainly lead to the end of Black Stone.
It would break my heart even more, she thought. She decided it was better for everyone to leave things that way, and prepared for a lonely life. Even though she would be married to a man she had always adored from afar, he would still not give up on his musical career either. But intead support her financially, making sure the child would have a perfect childhood growing up.
It was a short and sudden goodbye, the very next day Taemin sent someone to get her things from the apartment, and I did not her anything from Jindo myself for many weeks. I thought about her all the time, both when I was happy and sad. As my boyfriend Ri-seung had returned from their tour, I started spending a lot of time at his place as the apartment felt too empty to stay at by myself. Woo-hyun took things nicely, he did not bear any grudges towards Jindo at all even though he was sad about their sudden break up.
The only one among us that realy spoke to Jindo during that time was Shi-chan, who was extremely wice for his age. It was not that I did not want to see her myself, it was just compiclated to face her at that time. The air was just too tense. Black Stones went well as never before, our popularity raised to new heights. Yet no matter how much I tried, I could not enjoy it as much as I used to anymore.
Ri-seung adviced me to go see her, to make things easyer. So I did one day, walking to the hotel they where staying at. Jindo was not answering her phone, so I had to ask for her in the hotel lobby. I felt a huge revieval as soon as I entered the building, she deserved the best of everything and I wished for Taemin to give her that. - I'm here to see Kim Jina, I said as I stepped before the desk in the lobby. The lady nodded, and checked the room number before she called up. - Your name?, she asked, and I quickly replied, - Song Jina, I'm her friend.
The lady said my name, and as she hanged up the phone she looked at me with a pouty face. - She's not available at the moment, she said. My eyes widened, did she not wish to see me? - uhm.. could you call her back and ask when she is then?, I muttered a little let down. The lady nodded and gave me a note to write down my number on.
Dissapointed I left the hotel, wondering if anything were wrong. She was up there for sure, but Taemin was probably the one standing in our way. The thought striked me, as I looked up at the thousends of windows, she was somewhere up there perhaps feeling the same. But what could I do, but to wait for a phone call that would never even come?

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