Chapter Sixteen: Believe

Start from the beginning

Dane looked embarrassed, Dane's father looked angry, Dane's mother looked heart-broken. Principle Perkins looked deeply disturbed. My biological brothers: James looked shocked, Jackson and Mason both looked upset and angry with their glares pointed on Dane, Nathan looked shocked, yet proud. Wyatt looked happy and proud.

I couldn't believe the damages I had done to Dane's face and body. When I blacked out, when I got angry, I refused to give in.

I had enough of Dane pushing his weight around.

It was time Dane got put in his place.

And I did just that.

"This proves nothing." Dane's father shouted after the video was finished, "We don't even know what they were actually talking about in the parking lot. It could have been anything."

"Room two-forty-seven." I spoke, the attention going on me, "What we were talking about this morning, happened on Monday, March 12th, 2012 in classroom two-forty-seven."

I felt Wyatt squeezed my waist in an attempt to keep me calm. Everybody's eyes were on me, and this was it. It was my time to get justice for what had happened to me.

"Principle Perkins, do you remember when you had assigned Dane to help me get ready for my history test. He needed extra credit, and I needed help in history because I was late to class?"

"Yes I do." Principle Perkins nodded, "And then the next day and every day after that you didn't show up."

"That's correct." I sighed sadly, "That day, which there is video proof of on the security cameras, Dane tried raping me. I took the rest of the day off, and when I got home my brothers found out, and decided to not believe me. I left, knowing that there was a chance Dane could actually go through with what he wanted."

"This is a serious accusation, Miss Wolp. Are you sure?"

"I'm positive, check the security cameras from that date." I told him.

And Principle Perkins did. Somebody finally listened to me.

He played the video, I zoned out, not wanting to relieve that horrendous day. Wyatt's arms tightened across my waist even more than they already were. Dane and his father both looked proud of his actions, until the younger versions of ourselves got into a fight and I won.

Then Dane's father looked angry, and Dane looked ashamed. Dane's mother looked heart-broken and sad again. My biological brothers looked disgusted, disturbed, and angry at the video on the screen. Matthew and Nathan both looked like they were going to cry, with the tears that were forming in their eyes.


"With all the evidence shown today, Miss Wolp gets the deciding factor." Principle Perkins informed everybody.

"I want to press charges against Dane Marrow." I told him.

"Alright, the police will be called then. We have the younger Mr. Marrow on camera completing his acts of terror, so you all may leave, but Dane it is probably in your best interests to not leave town and cooperate with the authorities as the case is being investigated."

Dane only scoffed and looked away from everybody's prying eyes.

"Miss Wolp, it is in my sincerest regrets that I am only just finding out about this now, had I have known before we would have addressed this horrendous crime that had occurred much sooner. I know I can speak on behalf of not only myself, but the entire school staff and school board as well. If you ever need anything else or another issue arises, please do not hesitate in letting us know what we can do to help."

"Thank you." I smiled at the older man before me, "I appreciate it."

"If you'll excuse us, Anastasia and I have a full schedule to complete today, we're very busy people." Wyatt spoke from behind me, as he gently tapped my waist as I sign for me to get up.

"Of course, Mr. Daniels, Miss Wolp. You and your friends are very successful for being so young, it is an absolute honor to have you all studying here."

"How could that bitch be successful? She probably spread her legs to get wherever she is." Dane's father shouted.

Everyone in the room was shocked by his words, but I only laughed. Their attention turned to me.

"I was adopted into the Wolp family, my parents were Miles and Alexandria Wolp."

"The multi-millionaires?" Dane's father questioned.

"Yeah, you're thinking of the right family." I told him, "And when they died a few months back at the beginning of the year, I took over their companies, making me a multi-millionaire. So instead of running your mouth and making yourself seem stupid, get your facts in order first. Is that clear, you disrespectful piece of shit?"

"Y-yes, Ma'am." he whimpered.

"Good, I'm glad we're on the same page." I spoke as I stood up before motioning towards the door as I spoke my second sentence, "Wyatt let's go."


I stopped at the doorframe of the room, Wyatt standing next to me, and then I looked behind my back, "Do you finally believe me?"

And my brothers were left in shock as I walked away. 


Author's Note -

Here's the sixteenth chapter of "Run-Away Little Sister: Hurting". Good news, Ana's finally getting the justice she deserved before. She is such a badass. 

Let me know what you all think about this chapter. And make sure you all comment, vote (by clicking the star), and share this story with those who might like it.

Thanks for reading!


Original Version Published: January 1st. 2020 

Edited Version Published: June 27th. 2022

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