Getting up

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Kouen's pov-
   I got up to a weight on me, my hands around something small and soft. My eyes slowly open to see Ahme laying on me. She looks..cute. I watch her eyelashes cast a shadow on her soft cheeks, her rosy lips parted slightly and breathing slow. Wait, I'm missing something important here! How the hell did I let this happen?! I'm in a towel! I realised, looking at myself. She doesn't look to bothered right now but... how long has it been since I fell asleep? Maybe a few hours.

   "Mm, I sop... nahgmm." I hear her mumble out. My face feels hot as my body reacts to her cute little voice. I have to get out of this. I can't believe I let that happen. Gently pushing her onto the bed, she snuggled into my blanket. How is that so cute?! I can't believe I'm feeling like this for something so simple. I get off the bed, going to take another bath to wash away my thoughts. I change and call in a maid.

   "Get some food." I say not taking my eyes off Ahme. She really has no sense of danger. I sigh, the maid coming in soon after.

Amelia's pov-
   I smell something really good. Ah! What is that? I open my eyes and realize I'm laying on a bed. I sit up lazily and look around, spotting Kouen sitting next to me with a tray of food. Wait, Kouen? Hold up, that wasn't a dream?!

   "Eat, we're leaving soon." He says, pushing the tray towards me. I wordlessly take it as he walks off. I guess he doesn't remember? Let's just eat for now. I eat and head to my room to pack. Saying bye to my friends and even sending a letter to the girls at the prostitution house, I set out not seeing Kouen until I reached the carriage. We awkwardly sat in silence or more like I awkwardly sat in silence.

   "Where are we going?" I ask, breaking the oh so sweet silence. He just glanced at me before handing over a file. I open it to see the outer village of Kou. There is a description of how things have been and details of the guards and other essential information. "Basically, we're going to scope out and gather if things are running smoothly." I state, handing over the file.

   "Yes, we will also be there for an undercover mission." He answered vaguely.

   "And that is?" I urge him to continue. I see a smirk pull at his lips before be explains.

   "There is a traitor who has information on the empire. We are going to capture him and stop the ones who he'll be selling the information to." He said as I listened carefully.

   "You allowed him to get away so why didn't you have someone tail him instead of going after him yourself?" I questioned. He chuckled and turned to look at me.

   "You really are quite capable. Yes I did allow him to flee with the information I allowed him to steal but the people he plans to sell it to is not so simple. I couldn't have anyone mess up tailing him which leaves us to here." He explained further. Kouen really is smart.

   "We're going under the cover of checking the outer village but in truth we're going after a traitor and the people who plan on becoming more bothersome in the future. Just great." I sigh as the ride continued with us talking more about the issue and different plans on the matter.

What you think? Oh, I'll be starting university in January! Guys wish me luck, cause what I've heard from others I'm gonna need it. I also think this story has a while before it finishes so I hope you enjoy it till the end. Bye.💜💜💜

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