Inner thoughts

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Kouen pov-
   I finally see her after so long and I got elbowed!

   "Kouen?!" She called out as I clutched my side.

   "I see you are still quite strong, if not stronger than before." I said as she watched me in shock. It is cute to see her like this, it was not that bad getting hit. Right, we can not stay here for too long. "Let us head up. The mercenaries will be here soon."

   "Mercenaries? What is it you are doing in a shabby place as such?" Ahme asked as I grabbed her hand and led her up to the second floor.

   "I am leading an investigation. They have taken me too lightly." I growled out. The room was old, with dust and spider webs in every space. Her hand is small. Maybe it would be ok to continue holding it for abit. She does not seem to mind anyways. Her eyes are still so enchanting. I stared at her untill she turned her eyes to me after taking in her surroundings.

   "Ok, well lets catch whoever those guys are." She smiled. I smiled abit too, it was just too hard not too when she looked so adorable. "What did they do for you to look into this personally though?"

   "Slave trading and prostituting young girls under the age of 10." I glared at the floor. This was not something I wanted her to know, she should not have to hear that Kou was dirty.

   "Those scum!" She was angry, fired up to do justice. I smiled at her. Ahme, I really have missed you. I am still holding your hand too. Maybe I should hug her now. It should be ok right? As I was about to lean in to hug her we heard the door open.

   "They are here." I let go of her hand and she only then seemed to realise we were holding hands the entire time. Her face turned a light red as she cleared her throat.

   "R..right, let us kick some scum ass." She smirked and headed down as I tailed behind her. 10, 13, 18 guys in total.

   "Who d'ah hell is yee?!" A guy asked looking pissed. I grabbed him by his neck and throwed him against his other buddies.

   "Let's have some fun." I smirked and started punching them and doudging their weak attacks. I glansed to the side to see Ahme flooring another ugly as she ducked and kicked another. We made quick work of them and tied them up less than 10 minutes after.

   "Sooo, how do we carry all of them to the attorities?" Ahme asked.

   "Leave them, the guards shall be here soon. We should make haste and get out of here." I walked out and she followed.

Time skip- alot of walking and some reporting after-

   "And that was what happened." Ahme finished reporting everything as we finally reached the hotel I was staying at.

   "Hmm, you did a good job." I smiled at her and patted her head. She seemed to be taken abit off gaurd as she just stood there for a few seconds. "This was also my last set of work. I have the paper work to finish and hand in to the gaurds and then we will head back to the palace."

Insite on Kouen's thoughts. What do you think? Did it seem like him?

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