Chapter 24

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"Well. This is..." Jennie started trailing off.

"Awkward," Chaeyoung finished for her, grabbing both of their t-shirts and giving Jennie hers.

Jisoo and Lisa still stood opened mouth and wide eyes in the hallway between the front door and the living room where the two were just caught.

Lisa was joking about Chaeyoung and Jennie 'Netflix and Chilling' but she did not expect to find and catch them during the 'chilling' part.

Jisoo was trying hard to avoid her best friend, planning on staying the night at Lisa's to avoid confrontation.

"Jisoo," Jennie said trying to catch the girl's attention but the girl turned away.

Lisa sent Jennie an apologetic look but Jennie wasn't having any of that. She didn't like drama in her life.

Jennie ran forward and caught up to Jisoo, effectively shutting the front door and locking them in.

"Jichu, just talk to me," Jennie pleaded.

Jisoo felt horrible. Lisa explained to her what Jennie told her at the party, and although she didn't believe her at first, she felt guilty for not believing her best friend. She automatically assumed the worst in her, thinking she was just taking advantage of Chaeyoumg.

"I'm not mad at you," Jennie said, which caught her attention.

"If anything, I want to thank you," Jennie added, engulfing the girl in a tight hug. That confused Jisoo even more than when she met Lisa and debated her sexuality.

"W-what?" Jisoo stuttered out.

"If you hadn't said anything, Rosie wouldn't have gotten mad at me and I wouldn't have realized my feelings. So, thank you." Jennie clarified.

Jisoo relaxed into the hug but then felt the weight of another and realized Chaeyoung was also hugging her.

"Thank you for looking out for me, even against your own best friend," Chaeyoung mumbled and Jisoo smiled.

"of course, Chipmunk," She replied sweetly.

"Oh hell Nah, y'all are not hugging my girlfriend without me," Lisa said joining in

"Why does this hug feel like it's missing something?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Well the only one I can think of that's missing, is Irene unnie," Jennie said and Chaeyoung nodded.

"Why Irene unnie?" Lisa asked confused.

"Jennie went to Irene unnie when she was discovering her feelings for me," Chaeyoung told her best friend.

"And you didn't come to me?" Jisoo said a bit hurt.

"If I went to you, you would've told Lisa, and Lisa would've told Chaeyoung!" Jennie said trying to reassure her roommate.

"No, I wouldn't. I have some control," Jisoo pouted and everyone laughed.

"uh-Jichu, you're kinda whipped," Jennie got out between laughter.

"I'm not whipped!" Jisoo said seriously which caused everyone to laugh some more.

"Oh, you're whipped alright," Lisa said smirking. "But that's what I like about you."

She pulled Jisoo into a sweet kiss and Chaeyoung grabbed Jennie, pulling her into one as well.

"I'll never get tired of that," Jennie mumbled against Chaeyoung's lips when they pulled apart.

Chaeyoung released a deep breath.

"I won't either, baby."

"Hey lovebirds, since we interrupted your dessert-" Lisa said, interrupting once again, "-wanna head to the bakery and tell Joohyun unnie the good news?" 

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