Chapter 3: Henry's Mac & Cheese Is The Best Mac & Cheese

Start from the beginning


Linda came home late, Henry was still up, watching TV as Bendy snoozed on his lap, full and content. The lights were off and the screens glow cast shadows around the room. "Henry? Sweetie? You home?" Linda called, the front door opening and shutting, while the sound of keys jingled as she placed them in the bowl on the table.

"In the living room, Linda!" he replied, rubbing his eyes with a yawn.

The woman trailed in, a tired smile on her face as she set down her handbag "I see you made dinner, thank you" she said. Henry smiled and stood up, bringing Bendy over with him. Linda looked a little shocked. "Is that a toy? Or?"

Henry shook his head "When I went to go visit Joey, I was shocked to find Bendy, real and alive, locked away in a cage in Joeys office, that mans been abusing him, so I stole him away, I couldn't just leave him there Linda, I- he was so terrified of what Joey would do if he found him, he's hurt him too," Henry said, gazing down at the sleeping demon sadly.

Linda gave Henry a soft smile as the man narrowed his eyes in annoyance at his friends misdeeds, and came over and kissed him softly, a warm hand on his cheek "I'm very proud of you for doing what was right" she said,

"You're not shocked that Bendy's real?" Henry asked.

"Yes, of course I'm shocked, but there's no use screaming about it, I just need time to get used to it," Linda said, reaching down and gently tapping Bendy's face "He's rather adorable, isn't he?"

"Yeah" Henry said, carefully putting Bendy down on the armchair so he could hug his wife, Linda hugged him back "How was Joey?"

"I don't know. I didn't stay long enough to catch up. How was work?"


Henry chuckled. "I'll go heat your dinner, you relax."

"Such a good Husband" she said, giving him a wink, Henry blushed.


Bendy woke far too early the next morning, it was still dark out. The ink demon got down of the armchair and explored the house. Besides the kitchen and the living room, there was a bathroom and two bedrooms, a snoring Henry and a woman occupied one. Bendy didn't know who she was, but she looked happy, curled up in Henry's chest, fast asleep. Bendy left the room, not wanting to intrude anymore, looking around the rest of the house.

He made his way to the second bedroom, the curtains not drawn, he could see the sky! The moon a crescent and glowing softly in the dark night. Bendy climbed up into the bed and pressed his hands against the glass, tail swishing softly as he gazed in wonder at the all the stars "Wow" he whispered.

Henry found him the next morning, leaned up against the glass, inky drool dripping down the pane from his mouth. Linda chuckled as he unstuck him from the window and tucked him into the bed "You think he was escaping?" she asked. 

Henry shook his head "I don't know" he whispered, trying to be quiet as to not wake the demon up. Bendy mumbled something in his sleep, eyes scrunched up, limbs wriggling, Henry patted him gently "It's okay bud, just sleep, you're safe now" he said. 

Bendy settled down.


"Wake up!" a voice hissed, kicking his side, whoever it was sounded very angry and very drunk. Bendy's eyes snapped open to see Joey Drew looking a little worse for wear, an almost empty bottle in his hand. "This is your f-fault! You're a piece of shit!" the man slurred.

"W-What?" Bendy asked in confusion. 

What did he do now? 

His mind went over the days events, nothing came up, he had already been punished for crying to loud when the man was trying to work.

Joey pointed a finger at him with unfocused eyes. "Don't you what me! It's your fault thiss place sshut down!"

Bendy didn't know what to say. How had it been his fault if no one but Joey knew his existence?

"Your acting skills were bad! You cost me m-money I could of usse f-for more important thingsss, you're useless t-trash!" Joey growled. 

Bendy trembled, yelping as the man threw the bottle at him, it crashed against the wall of the small, empty room and shattered upon impact, spraying Bendy with bits of glass. The demon cried out in pain as the sharp pieces embedded itself in to his skin. Joey came closer and picked him up, shoving him up against the wall as hard as he could, knocking the air from Bendy's lungs.

"Iss all your fault! My d-dreamm! iss gone!" the man snarled. 

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