"Stilinski? Argent?" Coach Finstock gaped.

"Coach, no time to explain. You have to listen," Apollo told the man hurriedly. "People are in danger."

"We don't have time," Scott pressed a hand to Apollo's chest. "We have to go, come on." The five teens, and Coach, quickly took off into the woods. Using shortcuts to get ahead of the runners.

"Stop! Stop! Everyone stop!" Stiles shouted rapidly as all the teens came to a halt.

"Stiles," Apollo nodded to the ground.

The Stilinski boy ran his hands through the leaves, grabbing onto a chain and slowing pulling it out. Only to find that there was no jaw trap connected to it.

"Congratulations, Stilinski," Coach Finstock clapped obnoxiously. "You found the link of a chain. Now can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Coach!" Scott yelled as the man stepped forward, his foot hitting a tripwire.

Like clockwork an arrow fired and hit Coach in the middle of his chest.

"Oh crap," Coach gritted out before falling to the ground.

Everyone quickly crowded around him in worry, Ethan and Apollo sharing panicked glances.

"Get it out of me! Get it out of me!" Coach yelled repeatedly. "Oh my God, I'm going to die."

"Coach, you're not going to die," Stiles yelled over the man's screams.

"I'm going to die!"

"It will hurt less if you stop moving Coach," Ethan tried to stop the man from jerking around.

"Get that thing out of me!"

"Coach, ambulance is coming just calm down," Apollo tried to reassure him as well.

"Give him some room," Aiden shouted to the other students. "Back up."

Scott let out quiet gasps as he took Coach's pain away, Stiles and Apollo sharing a glance as the alpha did so.

"I think he passed out," Ethan mumbled.

Stiles lifted his hands, covered in the man's blood, he was visibly shaking.

"Hey, it's okay," Apollo tried to calm him down.

"We could've killed him," the Stilinski boy rambled out.

"We didn't though, okay?" Apollo reassured him. "Okay?"

"I think I heard an ambulance," Ethan sighed in relief.

"And my dad," Stiles' eyes widened.

As the ambulances and the police showed up, Apollo stood back. The Argent groaned softly, resting a hand on his forehead.

"You all right?" Ethan rested a hand on his back.

"Yeah, my heads killing me though," Apollo sighed. Ethan merely squeezed his shoulder in comfort, making his way back to Stiles' jeep.

Not noticing the glowing color in the fox's's eyes.

"Apollo," the boy's head snapped up at Scott's voice. "There's a bomb at the school, we have to go."

Apollo stood by Stiles as they watched deputy Parish go onto the bus. Apparently Jared was holding onto a bomb, all the students were crowded around to watch.

"Going to plan?" Apollo whispered softly to Stiles, the boy giving a stiff nod.

"What's he doing?" Scott mumbled, watching Parish move to the windshield. The deputy held something up to the mirror, Apollo hearing curses escape the Sheriff.

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