-1- Nightmare

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Hey guys~ Newbie here. This is my very first story. The beginning is a bit vague but it gets better as you read. Thanks and I hope you enjoy! :)

 I dedicate this chapter to @CoffeeandCake. Thanks so much for your encouraging compliments!! I really really appreciate them :) Keep writing girl.

        I believe that we all live in separate worlds. Multiple worlds. We are all connected somehow. Whether our friend is the cousin of a distant relative, or our parents are distant cousins from a family who lives across the world. 

        The world is also filled with happenstances and we need to use them to our advantage. And for me, I did my best to be happy as much as possible.


        I ran. 

        I ran as fast as I could away from the pile of burning cars. The smell of black smoke choked me as tears stung my dry eyes.

        “Elizabeth!” I heard her yell as she crawled towards me, unable to move her legs. “Help me, Elizabeth!”

        My body filled with terror as I kept running. I felt my burning muscles contract and expand as I ran as fast as I could. I wiped my grimy face. Suddenly, a thick wall appeared out of nowhere as I slammed into it full speed.

        “Ow…” I moaned as I rubbed my bruised shoulder. I turned around as my heart pounded in my chest.

        There, in front of me, stood a crippled Melissa and the menacing smirk of Thomas.

        “No!” I yelled as he advanced me with a knife glittering in the light of the flames.

        The sound of a siren blared as I was pulled out of my horrific nightmare. My chest rose and fell in quick pants as my eyes flew open with panic. Looking around the unfamiliar room frantically, fright crept into my brain.

        Why is the ceiling white? Isn't it supposed to be lavender? I thought as I gulped, desperate for air. Was I kidnapped??

        I slowly sat up and looked around the room after taking several deep breaths to calm my poor heart down. I saw the walls covered with my old pictures that I took with my friends, family, and my little, white puppy Bella.

        My stuff is here... 

        I pondered for a second and then it finally hit me. This wasn't Costa Rica, this was Texas. I hadn't realized how hot it was in my room until I got up from my bed and saw that I was sweaty.

        "Ugh, I feel disgusting," I muttered. I grabbed my clothes and walked out of my room, to the bathroom, and stepped into the shower after undressing.


       "What are you doing? You need to get dressed! You have school!!" my mom said in Korean. She was cooking breakfast when I stepped into the kitchen.

        "What?" I was definitely confused about what was going on in my life at the moment. Still in my PJ's, I stared at her as if she sprouted an extra arm.

        She shoved a piece of toast in my mouth and handed me a glass of orange juice.

        "Honey, it's your first day of school. We even went shopping for school supplies the other day."

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