5- "Too Late, Mr"

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"The sincere lightheartedness of feeling free at times is what is good for the heart, and why not, also for the soul"

《Really? Don't tell me》
On the hot day in early July, Sophia found herself sipping her tea in the company of Rebecca, who told her about the time she got lost in Madrid on school trips and only found her the next day. The two girls burst out laughing, even more so the little French woman, originally from Bordeaux.
《I swear. I still remember how scared I was that day. That city is truly immense. As well as fascinating》
《Yeah, I heard about it》 the Spaniard answered instead, with a bitter smile on her face, sipping from her glass.
《Have you ever been there?》
《Well, many times according to mine, but I was too small. I remember only once when I visited my grandmother and I remember how glad I was to see her. We had a special relationship》
《You h-ave?》
《Yes, because a week later the news came that grandma 'went up in the sky'》 

she laughed at the thought of what her parents told her. The truth made children less bitter. 

《Since then we say that I didn't have more courage to go to the capital. Also because I believe there is nothing left to connect me to that city. It would only be a waste of time》 

Rebecca squeezed her hand in comfort. She also knew what it meant to lose someone important. And he also thanked his colleague for having let off steam with her, but above all trusted. 

《Girls, strength at work》
《How boring you are Davide》

The girls replied jokingly, and so they got up and ended up drinking from glasses to get back to their work. There was still so much to plan, so much to fix and the weekend had just started. Sophia took his laptop and started updating the social networks with all the useful information for the fans. Then he checked the commitments to which the drivers had to stand and looking at the time, he snorted at the thought of having to warn the troglodyte of the interview that he should have done shortly thereafter. But he decided to wait anyway. He would have come to her, as always. 

《Hi Josh》
《Good morning Soph. Is everything okay?》 Josh was one of the mechanics, also a great friend of the Spanish, who occasionally gave her lessons on how a Formula 1 single-seater works. Not that she didn't know, but the details, those that only mechanics know, he could not have known them. He found certain things really fascinating, and always learning new things brought her closer and closer to that job that he had learned to love over time. 

《 Very good. I'm at home. Or rather, almost, but we are still 'en mi tierra', so I'm happy》
《I'm glad. Then I can take the opportunity to go and have a coffee and ask you if you can finish it for a moment, okay? you're so happy, aren't you?》 

'He hated' when they tried to dupe her but after all they were all his friends and couldn't not love him. 

《Only this time. We just hope we don't do Amy damage》 He snapped a kiss on her cheek and slipped to the nearest bar. The frenzied desire for caffeine had possessed that body and Sophia could only laugh at the thought. Well, he just had to check the engine's rhythm and the answers it gave to any problem. Easy, isn't it? of course. Especially for a person who is not in the trade. Yet she did well and was not even looked at badly by the employees who passed by her, knowing that she did something completely different within the team. 

《Are you also a mechanic? should i trust you So can I blame you if something happens to me on the track?》

The girl stopped abruptly and closed her eyes. The day obviously couldn't have been so beautiful. He raised his head and met the amused look of Daniel Ricciardo who looked at her with amused arms folded. What then, what did he have to laugh about? 

《I won't be so stupid in answering you》 

《You just did it》 

He replied in return and the smile didn't stop for a moment to exist on that nerve. But what then: why did he always smile? it got on her nerves. He thought that maybe he was starting to hate him. 

《If you don't really want to retire for a bad accident, you'd better let me work in peace》

The girl was really nice, Daniel thought. Even when he got angry he didn't know what fascinated him. Above all he had noticed some freckles on his face that he could easily see when he met her by moonlight that night. They gave her that graceful air that, of course, didn't suit her at all. Or rather, he thought this from the little he had known. Too little in reality

《I leave you in peace then. You're working for me after all, I wouldn't want to distract you》
"You're working for me after all" the girl repeated in a low voice. Yes, now he was sure of it: he hated it. 

《Ah, Mr. Ricciardo ...》
《Yes?》 what a beautiful face he was for giving him her. Only he hadn't done well. 

"However, the important thing in life is not knowing how to take advantage of it too much because you are too confused about the light-heartedness or kindness of the moment, of course, of course, all the legitimate consequences"

《He had an interview just 20 minutes ago for an important television and he's in super delay. I let her go, I wouldn't want to distract her ...》 

she replied in kind, emphasizing the last sentence with the same emphasis he used with her. And his face at the end was all a program. He ran at the speed of light to reach the interview room and while Sophia laughed heartily, Daniel mentally cursed that impertinent little girl whom he sure would charge.

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